Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 168 - Petroleum products and dangerous substances.
168.24 - Secondary containment requirements.

168.24 Secondary containment requirements.
(1) In this section, “hazardous substance" means a combustible liquid, a flammable liquid, or a federally regulated hazardous substance.
(2) The department may not impose any requirement that specifies that pipe connections at the top of a storage tank and beneath all freestanding pumps and dispensers that routinely contain a hazardous substance be placed within secondary containment sumps, if the pipe connections were installed or in place on or before February 1, 2009. This section does not apply after December 31, 2020.
History: 2013 a. 20 ss. 1620 to 1622; Stats. 2013 s. 168.24.