Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations
Chapter 150 - Regulation of health services.
150.85 - Certificate of public advantage.

150.85 Certificate of public advantage.
(1) Authority. A health care provider may negotiate and voluntarily enter into a cooperative agreement with another health care provider in this state. The requirements of ch. 133 apply to the negotiations and cooperative agreement unless the parties to the agreement hold a certificate of public advantage for the agreement that is issued by the department and is in effect under this section.
(2) Application. Parties to a cooperative agreement may file an application with the department for a certificate of public advantage governing the cooperative agreement. The application shall include a signed, written copy of the cooperative agreement, and shall describe the nature and scope of the cooperation contemplated under the agreement and any consideration that passes to a party under the agreement.
(3) Procedure for department review.
(a) The department shall review and approve or deny the application in accordance with the standards set forth in sub. (4) within 30 days after receiving the application. Unless the department issues a denial of the certificate of public advantage, the application is approved.
(b) If the department denies the application for a certificate of public advantage, the department shall issue the denial to the applicants in writing, including a statement of the basis for the denial and notice of the opportunity for a hearing under s. 227.44. If the applicant desires to contest the denial of an application, it shall, within 10 days after receipt of the notice of denial, send a written request for hearing under s. 227.44 to the division of hearings and appeals in the department of administration and so notify the department of health services.
(4) Standards for certification.
(a) The department shall issue a certificate of public advantage for a cooperative agreement if it determines all of the following:
1. That the benefits likely to result from the agreement substantially outweigh any disadvantages attributable to a reduction in competition likely to result.
2. That any reduction in competition likely to result from the agreement is reasonably necessary to obtain the benefits likely to result.
(b) In order to determine that the criterion under par. (a) 1. is met, the department shall find that at least one of the following is likely to result from the cooperative agreement:
1. The quality of health care provided to residents of the state will be enhanced.
2. A hospital, if any, and health care facilities that customarily serve the communities in the area likely affected by the cooperative agreement will be preserved.
3. Services provided by the parties to the cooperative agreement will gain cost efficiency.
4. The utilization of health care resources and equipment in the area likely affected by the cooperative agreement will improve.
5. Duplication of health care resources in the area likely affected by the cooperative agreement will be avoided.
(c) In order to determine that the criterion under par. (a) 2. is met, the department shall consider all of the following:
1. The likely adverse impact, if any, on the ability of health maintenance organizations, preferred provider plans, persons performing utilization review or other health care payers to negotiate optimal payment and service arrangements with hospitals and other health care providers.
2. Whether any reduction in competition among physicians, allied health professionals or other health care providers is likely to result directly or indirectly from the cooperative agreement.
3. Whether any arrangements that are less restrictive as to competition could likely achieve substantially the same benefits or a more favorable balance of benefits over disadvantages than that likely to be achieved from reducing competition.
(5) Certificate revocation.
(a) If the department determines that the benefits resulting from or likely to result from a cooperative agreement under a certificate of public advantage no longer outweigh any disadvantages attributable to any actual or potential reduction in competition resulting from the agreement, the department may revoke the certificate of public advantage governing the agreement and, if revoked, shall so notify the holders of the certificate. A holder of a certificate of public advantage whose certificate is revoked by the department may contest the revocation by sending a written request for hearing under s. 227.44 to the division of hearings and appeals created under s. 15.103 (1), within 10 days after receipt of the notice of revocation.
(b) If a party to a cooperative agreement that is issued a certificate of public advantage terminates its participation in the agreement, the party shall file a notice of termination with the department within 30 days after the termination takes effect. If all parties to the cooperative agreement terminate their participation in the agreement, the department shall revoke the certificate of public advantage for the agreement.
(6) Record keeping. The department shall maintain a file of all cooperative agreements for which certificates of public advantage are issued and that remain in effect.
History: 1991 a. 250; 1995 a. 27 s. 9126 (19); 2007 a. 20 s. 9121 (6) (a).
Antitrust Immunity for Health Care Providers. Bosack. 80 MLR 245 (1997).

Structure Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Wisconsin Statutes & Annotations

Chapter 150 - Regulation of health services.

150.01 - Definitions.

150.03 - Rule making; forms.

150.05 - Actions in circuit court.

150.09 - Staff.

150.11 - Enforcement.

150.13 - Fees.

150.21 - Applicability.

150.27 - Per diem capital rates.

150.29 - Approval requirement.

150.31 - Statewide bed limit.

150.32 - Distinct-part facilities primarily serving the developmentally disabled.

150.33 - Applications for available beds.

150.34 - Other applications.

150.345 - Nursing home bed transfers.

150.35 - Review procedures.

150.39 - Review criteria and standards.

150.40 - Redistribution of closed beds.

150.401 - Redistribution of nursing home beds to replace transferred beds.

150.41 - Approvals not transferable.

150.43 - Judicial review.

150.45 - Validity of an approval.

150.46 - Exceptions.

150.84 - Definitions.

150.85 - Certificate of public advantage.

150.86 - Judicial review.

150.93 - Moratorium on construction of hospital beds.

150.94 - Definitions.

150.95 - Moratorium.

150.951 - Exceptions.

150.96 - Definitions.

150.963 - Construction of facilities for the intellectually disabled and community mental health centers.

150.965 - Construction programs.

150.967 - State plans.

150.97 - Standards for maintenance and operation.

150.973 - Priority of projects.

150.975 - Applications.

150.977 - Hearing; forwarding of applications.

150.98 - Inspection of projects.

150.983 - Facilities for individuals with an intellectual disability and community mental health centers construction funds.