West Virginia Code
Article 19. Municipal and County Waterworks and Electric Power Systems
§8-19-20. Article to Be Liberally Construed

This article is necessary for the public health, safety and welfare and shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 8. Municipal Corporations

Article 19. Municipal and County Waterworks and Electric Power Systems

§8-19-1. Acquisition and Operation of Municipal and County Waterworks and Electric Power Systems; Construction of Improvements to Municipal and County Electric Power Systems; Extension Beyond Corporate Limits; Definitions

§8-19-2. Contracts for Purchase of Electric Power or Energy by a Municipality; Definitions; Requirements; Payments; Rates and Charges

§8-19-2a. Procedure for Changing Rates of Municipal Electric Power Systems; Legislative Findings

§8-19-2b. Right of Appeal by Customers

§8-19-3. Right of Eminent Domain; Limitations

§8-19-4. Estimate of Cost; Ordinance or Order for Issuance of Revenue Bonds; Interest on Bonds; Rates for Services; Exemption From Taxation

§8-19-5. Publication of Abstract of Ordinance or Order and Notice; Hearing

§8-19-6. Amount, Negotiability and Execution of Bonds

§8-19-7. Bonds Payable Solely From Revenues; Not to Constitute Municipal or County Indebtedness

§8-19-8. Lien of Bondholders; Deeds of Trust; Security Agreements; Priority of Liens

§8-19-9. Covenants With Bondholders

§8-19-10. Operating Contract

§8-19-11. Rates or Charges for Water and Electric Power Must Be Sufficient to Pay Bonds, etc.; Disposition of Surplus

§8-19-12. Service Charges; Sinking Fund; Amount of Bonds; Additional Bonds; Surplus

§8-19-12a. Deposit Required for New Customers; Lien for Delinquent Service Rates and Charges; Failure to Cure Delinquency; Payment From Deposit; Reconnecting Deposit; Return of Deposit; Liens; Civil Actions; Deferral of Filing Fees and Costs in Magis...

§8-19-13. Discontinuance of Water or Electric Power Service for Nonpayment of Rates or Charges

§8-19-14. Bonds for Additions, Betterments and Improvements

§8-19-15. System of Accounts; Audit

§8-19-16. Protection and Enforcement of Rights of Bondholders, etc.; Receivership

§8-19-17. Grants, Loans, Advances and Agreements

§8-19-18. Additional and Alternative Method for Constructing or Improving and for Financing Waterworks or Electric Power System; Cumulative Authority

§8-19-19. Alternative Procedure for Acquisition, Construction or Improvement of Waterworks or Electric Power System

§8-19-20. Article to Be Liberally Construed

§8-19-21. Specifications for Water Mains and Water Service Pipes

§8-19-22. Identification Requirement for Fire Hydrants That Are Inoperable or Unavailable for Use in Emergency Situations