West Virginia Code
Article 16. Municipal Public Works; Revenue Bond Financing
§8-16-28. Reference to &Quot;municipal Authorities" or &Quot;municipal Authority" Elsewhere in Law to Mean &Quot;governing Body" for the Purposes of This Article Only

In elaboration of the provisions of section eight, article one of this chapter, wherever in this code, in any act, in general law, elsewhere in law, in any charter, in any ordinance, resolution or order, or in any ordinance, resolution or order of a county court, reference is made to the term "municipal authorities" or "municipal authority" within the meaning of the provisions of former article four-a of this chapter, such reference shall henceforth be read, construed and understood to mean "governing body" as that term is used in this article sixteen only.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 8. Municipal Corporations

Article 16. Municipal Public Works; Revenue Bond Financing

§8-16-1. Definitions

§8-16-2. Municipalities Authorized to Construct, etc., Public Works and to Acquire Property; Payment of Costs

§8-16-3. Special Provisions as to Certain Municipal Public Works

§8-16-4. Construction, etc., to Be Under Control of Governing Body or Appointed Board, etc.

§8-16-4a. Additional Special Provisions as to Motor Vehicle Parking Facilities

§8-16-4b. Additional Special Provision as to the Use of Space in Motor Vehicle Parking Facilities

§8-16-5. Powers of Board

§8-16-6. Preliminary Expenses

§8-16-7. Ordinance for Construction, etc., of Works

§8-16-8. Right of Eminent Domain

§8-16-9. Bonds for Improvements, etc., of Works

§8-16-10. Items of Expense Included in Cost of Works

§8-16-11. No Municipality Is to Incur Any Obligation Not Payable From Proceeds of Bonds; Exemption From Taxation

§8-16-12. Interest Rate and Life of Bonds; Redemption; How Payable; Form, Denominations, etc.; Additional Bonds Authorized; Interim Certificates

§8-16-13. Obligations Not to Bind Municipal Official or Officer or Member of Board Personally

§8-16-14. Additional Bonds for Improvements, etc., of Works

§8-16-15. How Proceeds of Bonds Applied

§8-16-16. Bonds Secured by Trust Indenture Between Municipality or Municipalities and Corporate Trustee

§8-16-17. Sinking Fund; West Virginia Municipal Bond Commission; Transfer of Funds; Purchase of Outstanding Bonds

§8-16-18. Rates, Fees, or Charges for Services Rendered by Works

§8-16-18a. Pledge of the Hotel Occupancy Tax; Contribution of Revenues to Building Commission

§8-16-20. Accounting System; Yearly Audit; Custodian of Funds

§8-16-21. Governmental Entities to Pay Established Rates, Fees or Charges for Services Rendered to It or Them

§8-16-22. Statutory Mortgage Lien Upon Works Created

§8-16-23. Acquisition of Property on Which Lien Exists

§8-16-24. Protection and Enforcement of Rights of Bondholders, etc.; Receivership; Effect of Receivership on Lease Agreement

§8-16-25. Article Confers Additional Power and Authority; Extraterritorial Jurisdiction

§8-16-26. Construction of Power and Authority Conferred

§8-16-27. Article Liberally Construed

§8-16-28. Reference to &Quot;municipal Authorities" or &Quot;municipal Authority" Elsewhere in Law to Mean &Quot;governing Body" for the Purposes of This Article Only