West Virginia Code
Article 3. Crimes Against Property
§61-3-24f. Wrongfully Seeking Workers' Compensation; False Testimony or Statements; Penalties; Venue

(1) Any person who shall knowingly and with fraudulent intent secure or attempt to secure compensation from the Workers' Compensation Fund, a private carrier or from a self-insured employer:
(A) That is larger in amount than that to which he or she is entitled; or
(B) That is longer in term than that to which he or she is entitled; or
(C) To which he or she is not entitled, shall be guilty of a larceny and, if the amount is $1,000 or more, such person shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned in a state correctional facility not less than one nor more than ten years or, in the discretion of the court, be confined in a county or regional jail not more than one year and shall be fined not more than $2,500. If the amount is less than $1,000, such person shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in a county or regional jail for a term not to exceed one year or fined an amount not to exceed $2,500, or both, in the discretion of the court.
(2) Any person who shall knowingly and willfully make a false report or statement under oath, affidavit, certification or by any other means respecting any information required to be provided under chapter twenty-three of this code shall be guilty of a felony and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in a state correctional facility for a definite term of imprisonment which is not less than one year nor more than three years or fined not less than $1,000 nor more than $10,000, or both, in the discretion of the court.
(3) In addition to any other penalty imposed, the court shall order any person convicted under this section to make full restitution of all moneys paid by the Workers' Compensation Fund, private carrier or self-insured employer as the result of a violation of this section. The restitution ordered shall constitute a judgment against the defendant and in favor of the State of West Virginia Workers' Compensation Commission, private carrier or self-insured employer.
(4) If the person so convicted is receiving compensation from such fund, private carrier or employer, he or she shall, from and after such conviction, cease to receive such compensation as a result of any alleged injury or disease.
(5) Venue for prosecution of any violation of this section shall either be the county in which the claimant resides, the county in which the claimant is employed or working, or in Kanawha County where the Workers' Compensation Fund is located.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 61. Crimes and Their Punishment

Article 3. Crimes Against Property

§61-3-1. Burning, etc., of a Dwelling or Outbuilding; First Degree Arson; Penalty; Definitions

§61-3-2. Burning, etc., of Other Buildings or Structures; Second Degree Arson; Penalty

§61-3-3. Burning Personal Property of Another of the Value of Five Hundred Dollars or More; Third Degree Arson; Penalty

§61-3-4. Attempt to Commit Arson; Fourth Degree Arson; Penalty

§61-3-5. Burning, or Attempting to Burn, Insured Property; Penalty

§61-3-6. Willfully, Unlawfully and Maliciously Setting Fire on Lands; Penalty

§61-3-7. Causing Injuries During an Arson-Related Crime; Penalties

§61-3-8. Recovery of Costs Incurred in Fighting Fires Caused by Arson

§61-3-11. Burglary; Entry of Dwelling or Outhouse; Penalties

§61-3-12. Entry of Building Other Than Dwelling; Entry of Railroad, Traction or Motorcar, Steamboat, or Other Vessel; Penalties; Counts in Indictment

§61-3-13. Grand and Petit Larceny Distinguished; Penalties

§61-3-14. Larceny of Bank Notes, Checks, Writings of Value and Book Accounts; Penalty

§61-3-15. How Value of Notes, Book Accounts and Other Writings Determined

§61-3-16. Larceny of Things Savoring of Realty

§61-3-18. Receiving or Transferring Stolen Goods

§61-3-19. Bringing Into This State, Receiving or Disposing of Property Stolen in Another State; Penalty

§61-3-20. Embezzlement

§61-3-20a. Embezzlement by Misuse of Power of Attorney or Other Fiduciary Relationship; Penalty

§61-3-21. Embezzlement by Carrier or Other Person

§61-3-22. Falsifying Accounts; Penalty

§61-3-22a. Possession or Use of Automated Sales Suppression Devices; Penalty

§61-3-23. Destroying or Concealing Will; Embezzlement by Fiduciary; Penalty

§61-3-24. Obtaining Money, Property and Services by False Pretenses; Disposing of Property to Defraud Creditors; Penalties

§61-3-24a. Attempted or Fraudulent Use, Forgery, Traffic of Credit Cards; Possession and Transfer of Credit Cards and Credit Card Making Equipment; False or Fraudulent Use of Telephonic Services; Penalties

§61-3-24b. Making, Selling, Possessing, Transferring or Advertising for Sale a Device or Plans for a Device Designed to Obtain or Use Telephone or Telegraph Service or Facilities by False or Fraudulent Means; Penalty

§61-3-24c. Intercepting or Monitoring Customer Telephone Calls; Penalty

§61-3-24d. Fraudulent Schemes; Cumulation of Amounts Where Common Scheme Exists; Penalties

§61-3-24e. Omission to Subscribe for Workers' Compensation Insurance; Failure to File a Premium Tax Report or Pay Premium Taxes; False Testimony or Statements; Failure to File Reports; Penalties; Asset Forfeiture; Venue

§61-3-24f. Wrongfully Seeking Workers' Compensation; False Testimony or Statements; Penalties; Venue

§61-3-24g. Workers' Compensation Health Care Offenses; Fraud; Theft or Embezzlement; False Statements; Penalties; Notice; Prohibition Against Providing Future Services; Penalties; Asset Forfeiture; Venue

§61-3-24h. Providing False Documentation to Workers' Compensation, to the Insurance Commissioner or a Private Carrier of Workers' Compensation Insurance; Altering Documents or Certificates From Workers' Compensation; Penalties; Venue

§61-3-25. Casting Away, Destroying or Interfering With Floating Craft or Material; Penalty

§61-3-26. Interference With or Destruction of Buoys, Signal Lights or Other AIDS to Navigation; Penalty

§61-3-27. Malicious Killing of Animals by Poison or Otherwise; Penalty

§61-3-28. Offenses Against Railroad Property and Persons on Railroad Property; Definitions

§61-3-29. Damage or Destruction of Railroad or Public Utility Company Property, or Real or Personal Property Used for Producing, Generating, Transmitting, Distributing, Treating or Collecting Electricity, Natural Gas, Coal, Water, Wastewater, Stormwa...

§61-3-30. Removal, Injury to or Destruction of Property, Monuments Designating Land Boundaries and of Certain No Trespassing Signs; Penalties

§61-3-31. Damage to or Destruction of Property by Bailee for Hire or Loan; Penalty; Damages Recoverable in Civil Action

§61-3-32. Removal Out of County of Property Securing Claim; Penalties; Fraudulent Disposition of Personal Property in Possession by Virtue of Lease; Notice to Return; Failure to Return; Penalty; Right to Immediate Possession

§61-3-33. Entry Upon Inclosed Lands; Penalty; Liability for Damages

§61-3-34. Taking or Injuring Garden or Field Crops; Penalties

§61-3-35. Digging Cultivated Ginseng; Penalty

§61-3-36. Anchoring or Beaching Shanty Boats on Lands of Another; Penalties

§61-3-37. False Statement as to Financial Condition of Person, Firm or Corporation; Penalty

§61-3-38. Publication of False Advertisements; Penalty

§61-3-39. Obtaining Property in Return for Worthless Check; Penalty

§61-3-39a. Making, Issuing, etc., Worthless Checks on a Preexisting Debt; Penalty

§61-3-39b. Payment as Defense

§61-3-39c. Reason for Dishonor; Duty of Drawee

§61-3-39d. Prima Facie Evidence of Knowledge; Identity; Penalty for Providing False Information

§61-3-39e. Notice of Dishonor by Payee; Service Charge

§61-3-39f. Manner of Filing Complaint for Warrant; Form

§61-3-39g. Complaint; Notice of Complaint; Issuance of Warrant; Payment Procedures; Costs

§61-3-39h. Payment of Costs in Worthless Check Cases; Disposition of Certain Costs

§61-3-39i. Preparation of List of Worthless Check Warrants

§61-3-39j. Use of Worthless Check List Upon Receipt of Complaint for Warrant

§61-3-39k. Duties of Prosecuting Attorney Upon Receipt of Notice of Multiple Worthless Check Warrants; Magistrate Court Clerk to Advise Complainant

§61-3-39m. Creation and Operation of a Program for Worthless Check Offenders; Acceptance of Person in Program

§61-3-39n. Notice to Persons Accepted to the Worthless Check Restitution Program

§61-3-39o. Agreement to Suspend Prosecution of a Person Accepted Into the Restitution Program

§61-3-39p. Fees for Participation in the Worthless Check Restitution Program

§61-3-39q. Statements by Individuals Referred to or Participating in the Worthless Check Restitution Program

§61-3-40. Fraudulently Obtaining Food or Lodging; Penalty

§61-3-41. Employees Conservators of the Peace; Special Railroad Policemen; Penalties

§61-3-42. Intoxication of Person in Charge of Locomotive Engine or Car; Penalties

§61-3-43. Jumping on or Off Car or Train in Motion; Driving Vehicle Upon Track or Bridge Except at Crossings; Penalty

§61-3-44. Procuring Gas, Water or Electricity, by Device, With Intent to Defraud; Penalty

§61-3-45. Tampering With Pipes, Tubes, Wires or Electrical Conductors; Penalty

§61-3-45a. Unlawful Opening of Pipes, Pipelines, Tanks, etc.; Penalties

§61-3-46. Use of Slugs, False Coins, etc., in Coin-Box Telephone; Penalty

§61-3-47. Dams or Obstructions in Watercourses; Penalty

§61-3-48. Offenses Involving Damage to Shrubbery, Flowers, Trees and Timber; Limitation of Section; Penalties

§61-3-48a. Cutting, Damaging or Carrying Away Without Written Permission, Timber, Trees, Growing Plants or the Products Thereof; Treble Damages Provided

§61-3-49. Purchase of Scrap Metal by Scrap Metal Purchasing Businesses, Salvage Yards, or Recycling Facilities; Certificates, Records, and Reports of Such Purchases; Criminal Penalties

§61-3-49a. Unlawful Sale of Used, Secondhand, Rebuilt, Repossessed, etc., Watches and Clocks; Penalty; Revocation of License to Sell

§61-3-49b. Disruption of Communications and Utilities Services

§61-3-49c. Possession of a Catalytic Converter Without Documentation of Ownership or Authority to Possess; Advertising the Sale or Purchase of a Catalytic Converter

§61-3-50. Unauthorized Transferral of Recorded Sounds; Sale and Possession; Penalties; Civil Action; Definition

§61-3-51. Precious Metals and Gem Dealers; Records; Prohibited Acts

§61-3-52. Wrongful Injuries to Timber; Criminal Penalties

§61-3-53. Unauthorized Use of Dumpsters

§61-3-54. Taking Identity of Another Person; Penalty

§61-3-55. Failure to Pay for Gasoline

§61-3-56. Scanning Device or Reencoder Fraud; Felony; Definitions; and Penalties

§61-3-57. Possession of Bogus Receipts or Universal Product Codes With Intent to Defraud; Penalties

§61-3-58. Unlawful Operation of a Recording Device

§61-3-59. Misrepresentation of Past or Present Military Status or Military Awards to Obtain Anything of Value; Penalties