West Virginia Code
Article 2. Crimes Against the Person
§61-2-28. Domestic Violence — Criminal Acts

(a) Domestic battery. — Any person who unlawfully and intentionally makes physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with his or her family or household member, or unlawfully and intentionally causes physical harm to his or her family or household member, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in jail for not more than twelve months or fined not more than $500, or both fined and confined.
(b) Domestic assault. — Any person who unlawfully attempts to commit a violent injury against his or her family or household member, or unlawfully commits an act that places his or her family or household member in reasonable apprehension of immediately receiving a violent injury, is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in jail for not more than six months or fined not more than $100, or both fined and confined.
(c) Second offense. — Domestic assault or domestic battery.
A person convicted of a violation of subsection (a) of this section after having been previously convicted of a violation of subsection (a) or (b) of this section, after having been convicted of a violation of subsection (b) or (c), section nine of this article or subsection (a), section fourteen-g of this article, where the victim was his or her current or former spouse, current or former sexual or intimate partner, person with whom the defendant has a child in common, person with whom the defendant cohabits or has cohabited, a parent or guardian, the defendant’s child or ward or a member of the defendant’s household at the time of the offense or who has previously been granted a period of pretrial diversion pursuant to section twenty-two, article eleven of this chapter for a violation of subsection (a) or (b) of this section, or a violation of subsection (b) or (c), section nine of this article or subsection (a), section fourteen-g of this article where the victim was a current or former spouse, current or former sexual or intimate partner, person with whom the defendant has a child in common, person with whom the defendant cohabits or has cohabited, a parent or guardian, the defendant’s child or ward or a member of the defendant’s household at the time of the offense is guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in jail for not less than sixty days nor more than one year or fined not more than $1,000, or both fined and confined.
A person convicted of a violation of subsection (b) of this section after having been previously convicted of a violation of subsection (a) or (b) of this section, after having been convicted of a violation of subsection (b) or (c), section nine of this article or subsection (a), section fourteen-g of this article, where the victim was a current or former spouse, current or former sexual or intimate partner, person with whom the defendant has a child in common, person with whom the defendant cohabits or has cohabited, a parent or guardian, the defendant’s child or ward or a member of the defendant’s household at the time of the offense or having previously been granted a period of pretrial diversion pursuant to section twenty-two, article eleven of this chapter for a violation of subsection (a) or (b) of this section or subsection (b) or (c), section nine of this article or subsection (a), section fourteen-g of this article where the victim was a current or former spouse, current or former sexual or intimate partner, person with whom the defendant has a child in common, person with whom the defendant cohabits or has cohabited, a parent or guardian, the defendant’s child or ward or a member of the defendant’s household at the time of the offense shall be confined in jail for not less than thirty days nor more than six months or fined not more than $500, or both fined and confined.
(d) Any person who has been convicted of a third or subsequent violation of the provisions of subsection (a) or (b) of this section, a third or subsequent violation of the provisions of section nine of this article or subsection (a), section fourteen-g of this article, where the victim was a current or former spouse, current or former sexual or intimate partner, person with whom the defendant has a child in common, person with whom the defendant cohabits or has cohabited, a parent or guardian, the defendant’s child or ward or a member of the defendant’s household at the time of the offense or who has previously been granted a period of pretrial diversion pursuant to section twenty-two, article eleven of this chapter for a violation of subsection (a) or (b) of this section or a violation of the provisions of section nine of this article or subsection (a), section fourteen-g of this article in which the victim was a current or former spouse, current or former sexual or intimate partner, person with whom the defendant has a child in common, person with whom the defendant cohabits or has cohabited, a parent or guardian, the defendant’s child or ward or a member of the defendant’s household at the time of the offense, or any combination of convictions or diversions for these offenses, is guilty of a felony if the offense occurs within ten years of a prior conviction of any of these offenses and, upon conviction thereof, shall be confined in a state correctional facility not less than one nor more than five years or fined not more than $2,500, or both fined and confined.
(e) As used in this section, “family or household member” means “family or household member” as defined in section two hundred four, article twenty-seven, chapter forty-eight of this code.
(f) A person charged with a violation of this section may not also be charged with a violation of subsection (b) or (c), section nine of this article for the same act.
(g) No law-enforcement officer may be subject to any civil or criminal action for false arrest or unlawful detention for effecting an arrest pursuant to this section or pursuant to section one thousand two, article twenty-seven, chapter forty-eight of this code.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 61. Crimes and Their Punishment

Article 2. Crimes Against the Person

§61-2-1. First and Second Degree Murder Defined; Allegations in Indictment for Homicide

§61-2-2. Penalty for Murder of First Degree

§61-2-3. Penalty for Murder of Second Degree

§61-2-4. Voluntary Manslaughter; Penalty

§61-2-5. Involuntary Manslaughter; Penalty

§61-2-5a. Concealment of Deceased Human Body; Penalty

§61-2-6. Homicide Punishable Within State if Injury Occurs Within and Death Without, or Vice Versa

§61-2-7. Attempt to Kill or Injure by Poison; Penalty

§61-2-8. Abortion; Penalty

§61-2-9. Malicious or Unlawful Assault; Assault; Battery; Penalties

§61-2-9a. Harassment; Penalties; Definitions

§61-2-9b. Penalties for Malicious or Unlawful Assault or Assault of a Child Near a School

§61-2-9c. Wanton Endangerment Involving the Use of Fire; Penalty

§61-2-9d. Strangulation; Suffocation and Asphyxiation; Definitions; Penalties

§61-2-10. Assault During Commission of or Attempt to Commit a Felony; Penalty

§61-2-10a. Violent Crimes Against the Elderly; Sentence Not Subject to Suspension or Probation

§61-2-10b. Malicious Assault; Unlawful Assault; Battery; and Assault on Governmental Representatives, Health Care Providers, Utility Workers, Law-Enforcement Officers, Correctional Employees and Emergency Medical Service Personnel; Definitions; Penal...

§61-2-11. Unlawful Shooting at Another in Street, Alley or Public Resort; Penalty

§61-2-12. Robbery or Attempted Robbery; Penalties

§61-2-13. Extortion or Attempted Extortion by Threats; Penalties

§61-2-14. Abduction of Person; Kidnapping or Concealing Child; Penalties

§61-2-14a. Kidnapping; Penalty

§61-2-14b. Venue of Offenses Under §§61-2-14 and 61-2-14a

§61-2-14c. Penalty for Threats to Kidnap or Demand Ransom

§61-2-14d. Concealment or Removal of Minor Child From Custodian or From Person Entitled to Visitation; Penalties; Defenses

§61-2-14e. One Aiding or Abetting in Offense Under §61-2-14, §61-2-14a, §61-2-14c or §61-2-14d Guilty as Principal; Venue

§61-2-14f. Penalties for Abduction of a Child Near a School

§61-2-14g. Unlawful Restraint; Penalties

§61-2-14h. Prohibition of Purchase or Sale of Child; Penalty; Definitions; Exceptions

§61-2-15. Assault, Battery on School Employees; Penalties

§61-2-15a. Assault, Battery on Athletic Officials; Penalties

§61-2-16. Injury to Passenger by Person in Charge of Public Conveyance or Boat; Penalty

§61-2-16a. Malicious Assault; Unlawful Assault; Battery and Recidivism of Battery; Assault on a Driver, Conductor, Motorman, Captain, Pilot or Other Person in Charge of Any Vehicle Used for Public Conveyance

§61-2-26. Doors to Be Removed From Abandoned Refrigerators, Freezers and Other Appliances; Penalties

§61-2-27. Required Reporting of Gunshot and Other Wounds

§61-2-27a. Required Reporting of Burns

§61-2-28. Domestic Violence — Criminal Acts

§61-2-29. Abuse or Neglect of Incapacitated Adult; Definitions; Penalties

§61-2-29a. Death of an Incapacitated Adult by a Caregiver

§61-2-29b. Financial Exploitation of an Elderly Person, Protected Person, or Incapacitated Adult; Penalties; Definitions

§61-2-30. Recognizing an Embryo or Fetus as a Distinct Unborn Victim of Certain Crimes of Violence Against the Person