West Virginia Code
Article 7. Licenses to Private Clubs
§60-7-8. Application for Permit to Hold Special Nonalcoholic Entertainment Events for Persons Under Age Twenty-One

(a) A private club, as defined in subsection (a), section two of this article, may make application for a permit to hold nonalcoholic entertainment events for which persons under the age of twenty-one years may be admitted to the premises of such private club. Application for a permit shall be made on a form prescribed by the commissioner and a separate form shall be submitted for each such event. A private club may make application for any number of such events.
(b) Such entertainment events shall be chaperoned.
(c) Private club members may use the club during such events: Provided, That such events are held in sections of the premises which are separate and distinct from sections used by the private members and where any beer or alcoholic beverages are sold.
(d) The commissioner shall promulgate such legislative rules as may be necessary to execute and enforce this section, in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code. The commissioner shall, in such legislative rule or rules, establish criteria for determining those persons who shall act as chaperones at events authorized under the provisions of this section.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 60. State Control of Alcoholic Liquors

Article 7. Licenses to Private Clubs

§60-7-1. Legislative Findings and Purposes

§60-7-2. Definitions; Authorizations; Requirements for Certain Licenses

§60-7-2a. Dual Licensing Permitted; Conditions

§60-7-3. Sale of Alcoholic Liquors and Nonintoxicating Beer by Licensee Authorized

§60-7-4. Application for License; Information Required; Verification; Application to Be Accompanied by Fees; Bond; College Fraternities and Sororities Ineligible for License; Racial Discrimination by Applicants Prohibited

§60-7-4a. Notice of Application for License to Be Given to Municipal Clerk or Recorder; Duties of Clerk or Recorder; Consistency With Zoning and Community Development Programs; Authority of Commissioner

§60-7-5. Investigation by Commissioner; Issuance or Refusal of License; Special Requirements for Clubs at Parks and Airports; Form of License; License Valid at One Location Only; Expiration and Renewal; Transferability

§60-7-6. Annual License Fee; Partial Fee; and Reactivation Fee

§60-7-6a. Special Privilege of Class a Private Club Licensee to Operate Separate but Connected Class B License

§60-7-7. Municipal Fee

§60-7-8. Application for Permit to Hold Special Nonalcoholic Entertainment Events for Persons Under Age Twenty-One

§60-7-8a. Special License for a Private Fair and Festival; Licensee Fee and Application; License Fee; License Subject to Provisions of Article; Exception

§60-7-8b. One-Day Charitable Rare, Antique, or Vintage Liquor Auction; Licensee Fee and Application; License Subject to Provisions of Article; Exceptions

§60-7-8c. Special License for a Multi-Vendor Private Fair and Festival; License Fee and Application; License Subject to Provisions of Article; Exception

§60-7-8d. Where Private Clubs May Sell and Serve Alcoholic Liquors and Nonintoxicating Beer or Nonintoxicating Craft Beer

§60-7-8e. Private Club Restaurant or Private Manufacturer Club Licensee S Authority to Sell Craft Cocktail Growlers

§60-7-8f. Private Delivery License for a Licensed Private Club Restaurant, Private Manufacturer Club, or a Third Party; Requirements; Limitations; Third Party License Fee; Private Cocktail Delivery Permit; and Requirements

§60-7-10. Duties and Powers of Commissioner

§60-7-11. Licensee Must Purchase Alcoholic Liquors From or Through Commissioner or Retail Licensee; Exceptions

§60-7-12. Certain Acts of Licensee Prohibited; Criminal Penalties

§60-7-12a. Unlawful Acts by Persons

§60-7-13. Revocation or Suspension of License; Monetary Penalty; Hearing; Assessment of Costs; Establishment of Enforcement Fund

§60-7-13a. Hearing on Sanctioning of License; Notice; Review of Action of Commissioner; Clerk of Court to Furnish Commissioner Copy of Order or Judgment of Conviction of Licensee; Assessment of Costs; Procedure for Appealing Any Final Order of the Co...

§60-7-14. Forfeiture of Bond; Collection

§60-7-15. License for the Sale of Nonintoxicating Beer

§60-7-16. Severability

§60-7-17. Repealer