West Virginia Code
Article 6. Miscellaneous Provisions
§60-6-19. Forfeiture of Stills, etc.

All stills and distilling apparatus and material for the manufacture of the same, and all alcoholic liquors, and materials used in the manufacture of alcoholic liquors, and all containers in which alcoholic liquors may be found, which are kept, stored, possessed or in any manner used in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed contraband and shall be forfeited to the state.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 60. State Control of Alcoholic Liquors

Article 6. Miscellaneous Provisions

§60-6-1. When Lawful to Possess, Use or Serve Alcoholic Liquors

§60-6-2. When Lawful to Manufacture and Sell Wine and Cider

§60-6-3. Applicability of Chapter to Certain Uses of Ethyl Alcohol

§60-6-4. Permitted Use by Druggists

§60-6-5. Applicability of Chapter to Certain Uses by Physicians, Druggists and Others

§60-6-6. Transporting Alcoholic Liquor in Excess of Ten Gallons

§60-6-7. Specific Acts Forbidden; Indictment

§60-6-8. Unlawful Sale or Possession by Licensee

§60-6-9. Intoxication or Drinking in Public Places; Illegal Possession of Alcoholic Liquor; Arrests by Sheriffs or Their Deputies for Violation in Their Presence; Penalties

§60-6-10. Unlawful Operation of Plant Manufacturing Distilled Spirits

§60-6-11. Unlawful Manufacture, etc., While Armed

§60-6-12. Transportation of Alcoholic Liquors Into or Through State; Permits; Bond of Permittee

§60-6-13. Restrictions on Importing Into, and Transporting Liquors in State

§60-6-15. Penalties for Violations Not Otherwise Specified

§60-6-16. Places Deemed Common and Public Nuisances; Abatement; Conspiracy

§60-6-17. Suit to Abate Nuisances; Injunction

§60-6-18. Search Warrants

§60-6-19. Forfeiture of Stills, etc.

§60-6-20. Contraband Conveyances; Forfeiture and Disposition

§60-6-21. Court Procedure as to Contraband and Forfeited Articles

§60-6-22. Action to Recover Price of Liquors Sold Unlawfully

§60-6-23. Treatment of Minors for Addiction to Alcoholic Liquor and Beer

§60-6-24. Requirement for Posting Informational Sign

§60-6-25. Mandatory Signs to Be Posted Warning of the Possible Dangers of Consumption of Alcohol During Pregnancy

§60-6-26. Conditional Discharge for First Offense of Certain Offenses Related to Nonintoxicating Beer or Alcoholic Liquor