West Virginia Code
Article 1. Public Energy Authority of the State of West Virginia
§5D-1-14. Exemption From Taxation

The exercise of the powers granted to the authority by this article will be in all respects for the benefit of the people of the state, for the improvement of their health, safety, convenience and welfare and for the enhancement of their residential, agricultural, recreational, economic, commercial and industrial opportunities and is a public purpose. As the ownership, operation and maintenance of natural gas transmission projects and electric power projects and other energy projects owned and/or operated by the authority will constitute the performance of essential governmental functions, the authority shall not be required to pay any taxes or assessments upon any such project or upon any property acquired or used by the authority or upon the income therefrom. Natural gas transmission projects and electric power projects and other energy projects owned or leased by persons other than governmental agencies shall be subject to any taxes or assessments upon any such project or projects. Bonds issued by either the West Virginia economic development authority or the authority and all interest and income thereon shall be exempt from all taxation by this state, or any county, municipality, political subdivision or agency thereof, except inheritance taxes: Provided, That the authority shall require a fee in substitution of any ad valorem tax exemption to be negotiated by said authority.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 5D. Public Energy Authority Act

Article 1. Public Energy Authority of the State of West Virginia

§5D-1-1. Short Title

§5D-1-2. Purpose and Intent

§5D-1-3. Definitions

§5D-1-4. West Virginia Public Energy Authority Continued; West Virginia Public Energy Board Continued; Organization of Authority and Board; Appointment of Board Members; Term, Compensation and Expenses; Director of Authority; Appointment

§5D-1-5. Powers, Duties and Responsibilities of Authority Generally; Termination of Certain Powers

§5D-1-5a. Publication of Notice of Certain Meetings

§5D-1-5b. Public Hearing Before Final Consideration of Bond Issue or Exercise of Right of Eminent Domain

§5D-1-6. Authority May Construct, Finance, Lease, Sell, Maintain, etc., Electric Power Projects and Transmission Facilities

§5D-1-7. Authority May Construct, Finance, Maintain, etc., Natural Gas Transmission Projects and Facilities

§5D-1-8. Annual Report to Governor and Legislature; Audit

§5D-1-9. Expenses of Authority

§5D-1-10. Use of Funds by Authority; Restrictions

§5D-1-11. Investment of Funds by Authority

§5D-1-12. Maintenance, Operation and Repair of Projects

§5D-1-13. Bonds Lawful Investments

§5D-1-14. Exemption From Taxation

§5D-1-15. Acquisition of Property by Authority -- Acquisition by Purchase, Lease or Eminent Domain; Governmental Agencies Authorized to Convey, etc., Property; Sale of Property by Authority

§5D-1-16. Authority Not Public Utility and Not Subject to Full Jurisdiction of Public Service Commission; Authority Subject to Provisions Concerning Gas Pipeline Safety

§5D-1-17. Transportation of Gas From Natural Gas Transportation Projects by Gas Utility Pipelines as Common Carriers

§5D-1-18. Transportation Fees and Other Revenues From Natural Gas Transmission Projects Owned by the Authority

§5D-1-19. Financial Interest in Contracts Prohibited; Penalty

§5D-1-20. Personal Liability of Members or Persons Acting on Behalf of the Authority

§5D-1-21. Meetings and Records of Authority to Be Kept Public

§5D-1-22. Liberal Construction of Article

§5D-1-23. Severability