West Virginia Code
Article 2C. West Virginia Academy of Science and Technology
§5B-2C-3. Executive Director; Powers and Duties; Compensation; Expenses

(a) The Governor is authorized and directed to request and negotiate the loan of a federal executive employee, pursuant to the provisions of the federal intergovernmental personnel act, to serve as the initial executive director of the council. This person is expected to serve as executive director of the academy for a period of not less than one year. He or she must have training and experience in science, technology research, development and commercialization and demonstrable skills in managing new programs. The executive director shall serve at the will and pleasure of the academy council and is not entitled to compensation but may be reimbursed by the West Virginia Development Office for all reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in the performance of his or her duties in a manner consistent with guidelines of the travel management office of the Department of Administration or its successor.
(b) Subsequent executive directors may be selected by the council in consultation with the director of the West Virginia Development Office.
(c) In addition to assisting the council and its working groups in the exercise of their duties, the executive director shall:
(1) Facilitate and oversee the process for the initial nomination and appointment of council members;
(2) Provide and obtain scientific, technical, economic, programmatic information and market research to support the work of the academy;
(3) Foster and maintain relationships between agencies of this state, other states, the federal government, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations and private enterprises for the advancement of research, development and commercialization;
(4) Organize, prepare and lead presentations on science, technology research and development and commercialization for business executives, state legislative leaders and committees, and federal agencies; and
(5) Develop yearly work plans for the academy.
(d) The executive director will be available to the Governor, the Speaker of the House of Delegates and the President of the Senate to analyze and comment upon proposed legislation and rules that relate to or materially affect state scientific, technical and commercialization issues.