West Virginia Code
Article 1. Department of Administration
§5A-1-2. Department of Administration and Office of Secretary; Secretary; Divisions; Directors

(a) The Department of Administration and the Office of Secretary of Administration are continued in the executive branch of state government. The secretary is the Chief Executive Officer of the department and shall be appointed by the Governor, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, for a term not exceeding the term of the Governor.
(b) The Department of Administration may receive federal funds.
(c) The secretary serves at the will and pleasure of the Governor. The annual compensation of the secretary shall be as specified in §6-7-2a of this code.
(d) There shall be in the Department of Administration an Aviation Division, at the discretion of the secretary, a Finance Division, a Fleet Management Division, a General Services Division, an Information Services and Communications Division, Division of Personnel and a Purchasing Division. Each division shall be headed by a director who may also head any and all sections within that division and who shall be appointed by the secretary.
(e) There shall also be in the Department of Administration those agencies, boards, commissions and councils specified in §5F-2-1 of this code.