West Virginia Code
Article 5. Divorce
§48-5-107. Parties to a Divorce Action

(a) Either or both of the parties to a marriage may initiate an action for divorce.
(b) A spouse who is under the age of majority has standing in a divorce action to sue, answer or plead by a next friend.
(c) An incompetent or insane person shall sue, answer or plead by his or her committee. If a person has not been adjudicated incompetent or insane and has not been divested of the power to act on his or her own behalf, it is presumed that the person has the capacity to bring the action or be made a party respondent. This presumption may be rebutted by evidence which shows that the person cannot reasonably understand the nature and purpose of the action and the effect of his or her acts with reference to the action.
(d) The appointment of a guardian ad litem for a minor, an incompetent or an insane party is not required unless specifically ordered by the judge hearing the action.
(e) Anyone charged as a particeps criminis shall be made a party to a divorce action, upon his or her application to the court, subject to such terms and conditions as the court may prescribe.
(f) In a divorce action where the interests of the minor children of the parties are or may be substantially different from those of either or both of the parents and the best interests of the children may be in conflict with the desires of either or both parents, the court may make the children parties respondent and appoint a guardian ad litem to advocate and protect their rights and welfare.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 48. Domestic Relations

Article 5. Divorce

§48-5-101. Absolute Divorce

§48-5-102. Subject Matter Jurisdiction

§48-5-103. Jurisdiction of Parties; Service of Process

§48-5-104. Retention of Jurisdiction When Divorce Is Denied

§48-5-105. Residency Requirements for Maintaining an Action for Divorce

§48-5-106. Venue of Actions for Divorce

§48-5-107. Parties to a Divorce Action

§48-5-201. Grounds for Divorce; Irreconcilable Differences

§48-5-202. Grounds for Divorce; Voluntary Separation

§48-5-203. Grounds for Divorce; Cruel or Inhuman Treatment

§48-5-204. Grounds for Divorce; Adultery

§48-5-205. Grounds for Divorce; Conviction of Crime

§48-5-206. Grounds for Divorce; Permanent and Incurable Insanity

§48-5-207. Grounds for Divorce; Habitual Drunkenness or Drug Addiction

§48-5-208. Grounds for Divorce; Desertion

§48-5-209. Grounds for Divorce; Abuse or Neglect of a Child

§48-5-301. When a Divorce Not to Be Granted

§48-5-401. Verification of Pleadings

§48-5-402. Petition for Divorce

§48-5-403. Answer to Petition

§48-5-404. Advance Filing of Divorce Petition in Actions Alleging Abandonment or Voluntary Separation

§48-5-405. Amendments to Pleadings

§48-5-501. Relief That May Be Included in Temporary Order of Divorce

§48-5-502. Temporary Spousal Support

§48-5-503. Temporary Parenting Order; Child Support

§48-5-504. Attorney's Fees and Court Costs

§48-5-505. Costs of Health Care and Hospitalization

§48-5-506. Use and Occupancy of the Marital Home

§48-5-507. Use and Possession of Motor Vehicles

§48-5-508. Preservation of the Properties of the Parties

§48-5-509. Enjoining Abuse, Emergency Protective Order

§48-5-510. Consideration of Financial Factors in Ordering Temporary Relief

§48-5-511. Disclosure of Assets

§48-5-512. Ex Parte Orders Granting Temporary Relief

§48-5-513. Granting of Ex Parte Relief

§48-5-514. Temporary Order Not Subject to Appeal or Review

§48-5-601. Relief That May Be Included in Final Order of Divorce

§48-5-602. Court May Require Payment of Spousal Support

§48-5-603. Relief Regarding Minor Child or Children

§48-5-604. Use and Occupancy of Marital Home

§48-5-605. Use and Possession of Motor Vehicles

§48-5-606. Relief Regarding Costs of Health Care and Hospitalization

§48-5-607. Court May Order Transfer of Accounts for Recurring Expenses

§48-5-608. Injunctive Relief or Protective Orders

§48-5-609. Court May Restore to Either Party His or Her Property

§48-5-610. Court May Order Just and Equitable Distribution of Property

§48-5-611. Suit Money, Counsel Fees and Costs

§48-5-612. Court May Order a Party to Deliver Separate Property

§48-5-613. Former Name of Party; Restoration

§48-5-701. Revision of Order Concerning Spousal Support

§48-5-702. Revision of Order Enjoining Abuse

§48-5-703. Revision of Order Allocating Custodial Responsibility and Decision-Making Responsibility

§48-5-704. Revision of Order Establishing Child Support

§48-5-705. Bureau for Child Support Enforcement May Seek Revision of Order Establishing Child Support

§48-5-706. Revision of Order Concerning Distribution of Marital Property

§48-5-707. Reduction or Termination of Spousal Support Because of De Facto Marriage