West Virginia Code
Article 1. General Provisions; Definitions
§48-1-206. Automatic Data Processing and Retrieval System Defined

"Automatic data processing and retrieval system" means a computerized data processing system designed to do the following:
(1) To control, account for and monitor all of the factors in the support enforcement collection and paternity determination process, including, but not limited to:
(A) Identifiable correlation factors (such as social security numbers, names, dates of birth, home addresses and mailing addresses of any individual with respect to whom support obligations are sought to be established or enforced and with respect to any person to whom such support obligations are owing) to assure sufficient compatibility among the systems of different jurisdictions to permit periodic screening to determine whether such individual is paying or is obligated to pay support in more than one jurisdiction;
(B) Checking of records of such individuals on a periodic basis with federal, interstate, intrastate and local agencies;
(C) Maintaining the data necessary to meet applicable federal reporting requirements on a timely basis; and
(D) Delinquency and enforcement activities;
(2) To control, account for and monitor the collection and distribution of support payments (both interstate and intrastate) the determination, collection and distribution of incentive payments (both interstate and intrastate), and the maintenance of accounts receivable on all amounts owed, collected and distributed;
(3) To control, account for and monitor the costs of all services rendered, either directly or by exchanging information with state agencies responsible for maintaining financial management and expenditure information;
(4) To provide access to the records of the Department of Health and Human Resources in order to determine if a collection of a support payment causes a change affecting eligibility for or the amount of aid under such program;
(5) To provide for security against unauthorized access to, or use of, the data in such system;
(6) To facilitate the development and improvement of the income withholding and other procedures designed to improve the effectiveness of support enforcement through the monitoring of support payments, the maintenance of accurate records regarding the payment of support and the prompt provision of notice to appropriate officials with respect to any arrearage in support payments which may occur; and
(7) To provide management information on all cases from initial referral or application through collection and enforcement.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 48. Domestic Relations

Article 1. General Provisions; Definitions

§48-1-101. Short Title; Intent of Recodification

§48-1-102. Legislative Intent; Continuation of Existing Statutory Provisions

§48-1-103. Operative Date of Enactment; Effect on Existing Law

§48-1-104. West Virginia Code Replacement

§48-1-201. Applicability of Definitions

§48-1-202. Adjusted Gross Income Defined

§48-1-203. Antenuptial or Prenuptial Agreement Defined

§48-1-204. Arrearages or Past Due Support Defined

§48-1-205. Attributed Income Defined

§48-1-206. Automatic Data Processing and Retrieval System Defined

§48-1-207. Basic Child Support Obligation Defined

§48-1-208. Bureau for Child Support Enforcement Defined

§48-1-209. Bureau for Child Support Enforcement Attorney Defined

§48-1-210. Caretaker and Caretaking Functions Defined

§48-1-211. Chief Judge Defined

§48-1-212. Clergy Defined

§48-1-213. Combined Adjusted Gross Income Defined

§48-1-214. Commissioner Defined

§48-1-215. Contingent Fee Agreement Defined

§48-1-216. Court Defined

§48-1-217. Court of Competent Jurisdiction Defined

§48-1-218. Custodial Parent Defined

§48-1-219. Custodial Responsibility Defined

§48-1-220. Decision-Making Responsibility Defined

§48-1-221. Divorce Defined

§48-1-222. Domestic Relations Action Defined

§48-1-223. Earnings Defined

§48-1-224. Employer Defined

§48-1-225. Extraordinary Medical Expenses Defined

§48-1-226. Family Court Judge Defined

§48-1-227. Final Divorce or Final Annulment Order Defined

§48-1-228. Gross Income Defined

§48-1-229. Guardian of the Property of a Child Defined

§48-1-230. Income Defined

§48-1-231. Individual Entitled to Support Enforcement Services Under the Provisions of This Chapter and the Provisions of Title IV-D of the Federal Social Security Act Defined

§48-1-232. Legal Parent Defined

§48-1-233. Marital Property Defined

§48-1-233.1. Mediation Defined

§48-1-233.2. Mediator Defined

§48-1-234. Obligee Defined

§48-1-235. Obligor Defined

§48-1-235.1. Parent Defined

§48-1-235.2. Parenting Functions Defined

§48-1-235.3. Parenting Plan Defined

§48-1-235.4. Permanent Parenting Plan Defined

§48-1-235.5. Rehabilitative Spousal Support Defined

§48-1-236. Secretary Defined

§48-1-237. Separate Property Defined

§48-1-238. Separation Defined

§48-1-239. Shared Parenting Defined

§48-1-239a. Shared Legal Custody Defined

§48-1-239b. Sole Legal Custody Defined

§48-1-240. Source of Income Defined

§48-1-241. Split Physical Custody Defined

§48-1-241a. Shared Physical Custody Defined

§48-1-241b. Sole Physical Custody Defined

§48-1-242. Spousal Support Defined

§48-1-243. Spousal Support in Gross Defined

§48-1-244. Support Defined

§48-1-245. Support Order Defined

§48-1-246. Unreimbursed Health Care Expenses Defined

§48-1-247. Work-Related Child Care Costs Defined

§48-1-301. Communications Between Clergy and Party

§48-1-302. Calculation of Interest

§48-1-303. Confidentiality of Domestic Relations Court Files

§48-1-304. Proceedings in Contempt

§48-1-305. Suit Money, Counsel Fees and Costs

§48-1-306. Proceeding for Release of Support Lien

§48-1-307. Collection of Child or Spousal Support by Collection Agencies