The West Virginia state fair board may apply annually to the Tax Commissioner for a state fair raffle license to provide for the conduct of raffle occasions at the state fair. The license shall permit the state fair board to have one or more persons conduct raffle occasions at the state fair who have conducted raffle occasions on a regular basis for a least one year prior to the date of the state fair board's application. A license fee of $500 shall be paid to the Tax Commissioner for the state fair raffle license. The provisions of sections eleven, twelve, fourteen, fifteen and twenty-six of this article do not apply to a state fair raffle license. No state fair raffle license may be issued unless the application includes a copy of any lease or agreement entered into between the state fair board and the persons who are to conduct raffle occasions at the state fair. The state fair board may adopt reasonable rules and regulations, not inconsistent with or in violation of the provisions of this article, to govern the holding of raffle occasions at the state fair.
Structure West Virginia Code
Chapter 47. Regulation of Trade
Article 21. Charitable Raffles
§47-21-3. Authorizing the Conduct of Certain Raffles Without a License
§47-21-4. Who May Hold Raffles; Application for License; Licenses Not Transferable
§47-21-5. Annual License; Conditions on Holding of Raffles
§47-21-6. Limited Occasion License; Conditions on Holding of Raffles
§47-21-7. License Fee and Exemption From Taxes
§47-21-8. Information Required in Application
§47-21-9. Amendment of License
§47-21-10. Licensee Rules and Regulations
§47-21-11. Limits on Prizes Awarded -- General Provisions
§47-21-15. Payment of Reasonable Expenses From Proceeds; Net Proceeds Disbursement
§47-21-16. Records; Commissioner Audit
§47-21-19. Obtaining License Fraudulently; Penalty
§47-21-21. Administration; Rules and Regulations
§47-21-23. Filing of Copy of License; Application Open to Public Inspection
§47-21-24. County Option Election
§47-21-25. Prohibited Acts by Convicted Persons
§47-21-26. Restrictions on Use of Raffle Equipment
§47-21-27. Proceeds of State Fair