West Virginia Code
Article 20. Charitable Bingo
§47-20-4. Annual License; Conditions on Holding of Games

A charitable or public service organization or any of its auxiliaries or other organizations otherwise affiliated with it may apply for an annual license. Only one license per year in the aggregate may be granted to a charitable or public service organization and all of its auxiliaries or other associations or organizations otherwise affiliated with it: Provided, That for purposes of this section the various branches, chapters or lodges of any national association or organization or local churches of a nationally organized church are not considered affiliates or auxiliaries of each other. The commissioner shall by regulation provide for the manner for determining to which organization, whether the parent organization, an affiliate or an auxiliary, the one license allowed under this section is granted. An annual license is valid for one year from the date of issuance and entitles only the licensee to hold no more than two bingo occasions per week. No two or more organizations may hold a joint bingo occasion under any annual licenses. No bingo occasion held pursuant to an annual license may exceed six hours duration.
A licensee shall display its annual bingo license conspicuously at the location where the bingo occasion is held.
All bingo occasions shall be open to the general public: Provided, That no licensee shall permit or allow any individual under the age of eighteen to participate in the playing of any bingo game with knowledge or reason to believe that the individual is under the age of eighteen: Provided, however, That an individual under the age of eighteen may attend the playing of a bingo game when accompanied by and under the supervision of an adult relative or a legal guardian of said individual: Provided further, That nothing contained herein may be construed to prohibit junior volunteer firefighters sixteen years of age or older from assisting the volunteer fire company of which such junior firefighter is a member in the conduct of an event under this article where such junior firefighter is supervised by a senior member of the same volunteer fire company who is over the age of twenty-one years.
Any licensee may receive and cash personal checks in an amount not to exceed $100 during the normal operation of a bingo game.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 47. Regulation of Trade

Article 20. Charitable Bingo

§47-20-1. Legislative Intent

§47-20-2. Definitions

§47-20-3. Who May Hold Bingo Games; Application for License; Licenses Not Transferable

§47-20-4. Annual License; Conditions on Holding of Games

§47-20-5. Limited Occasion License; Conditions on Holding of Games

§47-20-5a. Venue

§47-20-6. License Fee and Exemption From Taxes

§47-20-6a. Super Bingo License

§47-20-7. Information Required in Application

§47-20-8. Amendment of License

§47-20-9. Licensee Rules and Regulations

§47-20-10. Limits on Prizes Awarded -- General Provisions

§47-20-11. Operator of Bingo Games and Related Concessions

§47-20-12. Compensation

§47-20-12a. Compensation of Bingo Operator; Number of Employees

§47-20-13. Concessions Exception

§47-20-15. Payment of Reasonable Expenses From Proceeds; Net Proceeds Disbursement

§47-20-16. Records; Commissioner Audit

§47-20-17. Advertising

§47-20-18. Fraud; Penalties

§47-20-19. Obtaining License Fraudulently; Penalty

§47-20-20. Violation of Provisions; Penalties

§47-20-21. Proceeds of State Fair

§47-20-22. State Fair Bingo License; Rules and Regulations

§47-20-23. Administration; Rules and Regulations

§47-20-24. Filing of Reports

§47-20-25. Filing of Copy of License; Application Open to Public Inspection

§47-20-26. County Option Election

§47-20-27. Prohibited Acts by Convicted Individuals and Corporations

§47-20-28. Restrictions on Use of Bingo Equipment

§47-20-28a. Certain Operators of Bingo Games to Provide for Smoking and Nonsmoking Sections

§47-20-29. Effective Date

§47-20-30. Severability

§47-20-31. Additional Remedies for the Commissioner; Administrative Procedures; Deposit of Money Penalties