(a) Repair. -- If a new assistive device does not conform to an express or implied warranty and the consumer reports the nonconformity to the manufacturer, the assistive device lessor, or a manufacturer's authorized assistive device dealer and makes the assistive device available for repair on or before one year after return delivery of the assistive device to a consumer, the nonconformity shall be repaired at no charge to the consumer.
(b) Return, refund, reimbursement, replacement. -- After a reasonable attempt to repair, if the nonconformity in an assistive device is not repaired, the consumer may request remedies within this section by offering to transfer possession of the assistive device to the manufacturer. No later than thirty days after the consumer's offer, the manufacturer shall provide to the consumer as many of the following remedies as are applicable and elected by the consumer, whereupon the consumer shall return to the manufacturer the assistive device and any endorsements necessary to transfer its possession to the manufacturer:
(1) Accept return of the assistive device;
(2) Replace the assistive device with a comparable new assistive device;
(3) Refund collateral costs to the consumer;
(4) Refund to the consumer and to any holder of a perfected security interest in the assistive device the full purchase price, plus any finance charge paid by the consumer, plus collateral costs, less a reasonable allowance for use; or
(5) Refund to the lessor and to any holder of a perfected security interest in the assistive device the current value of the written lease, and refund to the consumer the amount paid by the consumer pursuant to the written lease, plus collateral costs, less a reasonable allowance for use.
Structure West Virginia Code
Chapter 46A. West Virginia Consumer Credit and Protection Act
Article 6E. Consumer Protection -- Assistive Devices
§46A-6E-2. Express Warranty Requirement; Express Warranty Duration; Implied Warranty
§46A-6E-3. Warranty Remedies; Procedures for Obtaining Remedies
§46A-6E-5. Disclosure Upon Further Sale or Lease
§46A-6E-7. Limitations; Waiver of Rights; Action for Damages; Punitive Damages