West Virginia Code
Article 4. Accounting by Fiduciaries
§44-4-17. Examination and Correction or Recommittal of Report

The county commission, at its first regular term occurring not less than ten days after the report has been filed in the office of its clerk, shall examine the same, with the evidence and such exceptions to the report as may be filed at any time before such examination. It shall correct any errors which shall appear from the exceptions, and any appearing on the face of the account, whether excepted to or not; and to this end may commit the report to the same, or to another fiduciary commissioner, as often as the county commission sees cause; or it may confirm the report in whole or in a qualified manner. The county commission, and the circuit court, if there be appeal from the county commission in any such matter, shall hear no new evidence, but, if good cause therefor be shown, the commission may recommit the report for the taking of further evidence and further report. The clerk shall, in a book kept for the purpose, record every report which may be confirmed, and at the foot of it the order of confirmation. The evidence and any exceptions shall remain on file in the clerk’s office, but any voucher returned with the report or remaining with the fiduciary commissioner at the time of such confirmation, and not wanted for any further matter of inquiry before him shall be returned by him to the party who filed the same.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 44. Administration of Estates and Trusts

Article 4. Accounting by Fiduciaries

§44-4-1. Record of Appraisements

§44-4-2. Fiduciaries to Exhibit Accounts for Settlement

§44-4-3. Fiduciaries From Whom Inventories, Appraisals or Accounts Are Due When This Article Effective May Be Proceeded Against

§44-4-4. Fiduciaries of Small Estates May Account Once in Three Years

§44-4-5. Examination of Bonds at Time of Accounting, and When Requested by Interested Party

§44-4-6. Settlements for Previous Years; Objections to Account

§44-4-7. Failure to Account Forfeits Commissions Unless Allowed by Circuit Court or County Commission

§44-4-8. How Accounting Compellable by Person Interested

§44-4-9. Publication of List of Fiduciaries Prior to Settlements

§44-4-10. Securities and Moneys to Be Exhibited to Fiduciary Commissioner

§44-4-11. Liability for Losses or Failure to Make Defense

§44-4-12. Compensation and Expenses of Fiduciaries

§44-4-12a. Compensation and Expenses of Personal Representatives

§44-4-13. Receipt to Be Given Fiduciaries for Vouchers

§44-4-14. Reports of Fiduciary Commissioner

§44-4-14a. Final Settlement by Fiduciaries for Decedent's Estates; Penalty

§44-4-15. Exceptions to Report

§44-4-16. Filing of Report and Vouchers

§44-4-17. Examination and Correction or Recommittal of Report

§44-4-18. Effect of Confirmation of Report; How Made Conclusive

§44-4-19. Investment of Funds May Be Ordered

§44-4-20. Disbursement of Balance After Settlement; Suit to Compel Disbursement; Final Report of Fiduciary Following Disbursement

§44-4-21. How Fiduciary Accounts Settled in Suits to Be Recorded

§44-4-22. Application Only to Personal Representatives, Guardians, Curators or Committees