In every county in which now exists a tribunal for police and fiscal purposes heretofore established under section 34 of article VIII of the Constitution of eighteen hundred and seventy- two, the clerk mentioned in the twenty-sixth section of the amendment of eighteen hundred and eighty to the Constitution shall exercise any powers and discharge any duties conferred on or required of the court or tribunal heretofore established for judicial purposes in such county, or the clerk thereof, before the adoption of such amendment, and also any powers and duties now or hereafter conferred on or required of county courts in other counties, or the clerks thereof, except as it may be otherwise provided, respecting the recording and preservation of deeds and other papers presented for record, respecting matters of probate, the appointment and qualification of personal representatives, guardians, committees, curators, and the settlement of their accounts, and respecting all matters relating to apprentices.
Structure West Virginia Code
Chapter 44. Administration of Estates and Trusts
§44-13-1. Powers of Clerk of County Court Where Separate Tribunal for Police and Fiscal Purposes
§44-13-2. Who Shall Act When Such Clerk Interested
§44-13-3. Such Clerk Not to Impanel a Jury for Settlement of Questions of Fact
§44-13-4. Record and Order Books to Be Kept by Such Clerk
§44-13-4a. Reporting of Foreclosure Statistics
§44-13-5. Duties of Such Clerk as to Acts to Be Performed at Stated Times