West Virginia Code
Article 2. Mechanics' Liens
§38-2-39. Public Building; Bond of Contractor; Recordation of Bond; No Lien in Such Case

It shall be the duty of the state commissioner of public institutions, and of all county courts, boards of education, boards of trustees, and other legal bodies having authority to contract for the erection, construction, improvement, alteration or repair of any public building or other structure, or any building or other structure used or to be used for public purposes, to require of every person to whom it shall award, and with whom it shall enter into, any contract for the erection, construction, improvement, alteration or repair of any such public building or other structure used or to be used for public purposes, that such contractor shall cause to be executed and delivered to the secretary of such commissioner or other legal body, or other proper and designated custodian of the papers and records thereof, a good, valid, solvent and sufficient bond, in a penal sum equal at least to the reasonable cost of the materials, machinery, equipment and labor required for the completion of such contract, and conditioned that in the event such contractor shall fail to pay in full for all such materials, machinery, equipment and labor delivered to him for use in the erection, construction, improvement, alteration or repair of such public building or other structure, or building or other structure used or to be used for public purposes, then such bond and the sureties thereon shall be responsible to such materialman, furnisher of machinery or equipment, and furnisher or performer of such labor, or their assigns, for the full payment of the full value thereof.
No officer or employee of this state or of any public agency, public authority, public corporation, or other public entity, and no person acting or purporting to act on behalf of such officer or employee or public entity shall require that any surety bond required or permitted by this section be obtained from any particular surety company, agent, broker or producer.
All such bonds shall have as surety thereon either some incorporated bonding and/or surety company authorized to carry on business in this state, or in lieu of such corporate surety the contractor may deposit as security for such bond with the said state commissioner of public institutions, county court, Board of Education, board of trustees or other legal body having authority so to contract, a sum in cash or bonds and securities of the United States of America or of the State of West Virginia of sufficient amount and value equal at least to the reasonable cost of materials, machinery, equipment and labor required for the completion of such contract. Immediately upon the acceptance of either of said bonds by the state commissioner of public institutions, county court, Board of Education and board of trustees, or other legal body, the bond shall be recorded by the secretary of such commissioner or other legal body, or by the proper designated custodian of the papers or records thereof, in the office of the clerk of the county court of the county or counties wherein such work is to be done and where such materials, machinery or equipment are to be delivered, and no such contract shall be binding and effective upon either party or parties thereto until such bond has been executed, delivered and recorded as aforesaid.
Nothing in this article shall be construed to give a lien upon such a public building or improvement as is mentioned in this section, or upon the land upon which such public building or improvement is situated.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 38. Liens

Article 2. Mechanics' Liens

§38-2-1. Lien of Contractor

§38-2-2. Lien of Subcontractor

§38-2-3. Lien of Materialman Furnishing Supplies to Owner

§38-2-4. Lien of Materialman Furnishing Supplies to Contractor or Subcontractor

§38-2-5. Lien of Mechanic or Laborer Working for Owner

§38-2-6. Lien of Mechanic or Laborer Working for Contractor or Subcontractor

§38-2-6a. Lien of Architect, Surveyor, Engineer or Landscape Architect

§38-2-7. Necessity and Period for Perfecting Lien

§38-2-8. Notice and Recordation of Contractor's Lien

§38-2-9. Notice and Recordation of Subcontractor's Lien

§38-2-10. Notice and Recordation of Lien for Supplies Furnished to Owner

§38-2-11. Notice and Recordation of Lien for Supplies Furnished to Contractor or Subcontractor

§38-2-12. Notice and Recordation of Lien of Mechanic or Laborer Working for Owner

§38-2-13. Notice and Recordation of Lien of Mechanic or Laborer Working for Contractor or Subcontractor

§38-2-14. Discharge of Lien for Failure to Comply With Article

§38-2-15. Publication and Posting of Notice to Nonresident Owner or Owner Not Found

§38-2-16. What Deemed Included in One Contract

§38-2-17. Priority of Mechanics' Liens Over Other Liens

§38-2-18. Priority as Among Mechanics' Lienors

§38-2-19. Demand of Account by Owner; Discharge of Lien for Failure to File Account

§38-2-20. Preliminary Notice to Owner; Effect

§38-2-21. Effect of Payment by Owner to Contractor or Subcontractor

§38-2-22. Limitation of Owner's Liability by Recordation of Contract and Bond of General Contractor

§38-2-23. Effect of Failure of Owner to Record Contract and Bond

§38-2-24. Form of Bond

§38-2-25. Amount of Rural Land Subject to Lien

§38-2-26. Enforcement of Contractor's Bond in Suit to Enforce Lien

§38-2-27. Clerk of County Court to Record Notices of Liens, Contracts and Bonds; Record Book; Indexing

§38-2-28. Proof of Sale and Delivery Prima Facie Proof of Use of Materials

§38-2-29. Lien on Several Structures

§38-2-30. Compensation and Lien of Contractor on Default of Owner

§38-2-31. Lien Against Corporation for Work or Labor; Priority

§38-2-32. Perfecting Lien for Work or Labor Against Corporation

§38-2-33. Clerk to Record Notices of Liens Against Corporations for Work and Labor

§38-2-34. Time Within Which Suit to Enforce Lien May Be Brought; Right of Other Lienors to Intervene

§38-2-35. Decree of Sale in Suit to Enforce Lien; Personal Decree

§38-2-36. Discharge or Release of Lien; Recordation; Escrow; Disbursement of Escrow

§38-2-37. Ordering Clerk to Execute Release When Lienholder Refuses

§38-2-38. Enforcement of Lien by Executor, Administrator or Assignee

§38-2-39. Public Building; Bond of Contractor; Recordation of Bond; No Lien in Such Case