A life insurer may lend to a policyholder on the security of the cash surrender value of the policyholder's policy a sum not exceeding the legal reserve that the insurer is required to maintain on the policy.
Structure West Virginia Code
§33-8-3. General Investment Qualifications
§33-8-4. Authorization of Investments by the Board of Directors
§33-8-5. Prohibited Investments
§33-8-6. Loans to Officers and Directors
§33-8-7. Valuation of Investments
§33-8-9. Life and Health Insurers - Applicability
§33-8-11. Same - Rated Credit Instruments
§33-8-12. Same - Insurer Investment Pools
§33-8-13. Same - Equity Interests
§33-8-14. Same - Tangible Personal Property Under Lease
§33-8-15. Same - Mortgage Loans and Real Estate
§33-8-16. Same - Securities Lending, Repurchase, Reverse Repurchase and Dollar Roll Transactions
§33-8-17. Same - Foreign Investments and Foreign Currency Exposure
§33-8-18. Same - Derivative Transactions
§33-8-20. Same - Additional Investment Authority
§33-8-21. Property and Casualty, Financial Guaranty and Mortgage Guaranty Insurers - Applicability
§33-8-22. Same - Reserve Requirements
§33-8-24. Same - Rated Credit Instruments
§33-8-25. Same - Insurer Investment Pools
§33-8-26. Same - Equity Interests
§33-8-27. Same - Tangible Personal Property Under Lease
§33-8-28. Same - Mortgage Loans and Real Estate
§33-8-29. Same - Securities Lending, Repurchase, Reverse Repurchase and Dollar Roll Transactions
§33-8-30. Same - Foreign Investments and Foreign Currency Exposure