(a) Notwithstanding any provision of any policy, provision, contract, plan or agreement applicable to this article, reimbursement or indemnification for annual kidney disease screening and laboratory testing as recommended by the National Kidney Foundation may not be denied for any person when reimbursement or indemnity for laboratory or X-ray services are covered under the policy and are performed for kidney disease screening or diagnostic purposes at the direction of a person licensed to practice medicine and surgery by the Board of Medicine. The tests are as follows: Any combination of blood pressure testing, urine albumin or urine protein testing and serum creatinine testing.
(b) The same deductibles, coinsurance, network restrictions and other limitations for covered services found in the policy, provision, contract, plan or agreement of the covered person may apply to kidney disease screening and laboratory testing.
Structure West Virginia Code
§33-24-1. Declaration of Policy
§33-24-4. Exemptions; Applicability of Insurance Laws
§33-24-4a. Coverage for Patient Cost of Clinical Trials
§33-24-4b. Applicability of Insurance Fraud Prevention Act
§33-24-5. Licenses; Name of Corporation
§33-24-6. Commissioner to Enforce Article; Approval of Contracts, Forms, Rates and Fees
§33-24-7a. Contracts to Cover Nursing Service
§33-24-7b. Third Party Reimbursement for Mammography, Pap Smear or Human Papilloma Virus Testing
§33-24-7c. Third Party Reimbursement for Rehabilitation Services
§33-24-7e. Coverage of Emergency Services
§33-24-7f. Third Party Reimbursement for Colorectal Cancer Examination and Laboratory Testing
§33-24-7g. Required Coverage for Reconstruction Surgery Following Mastectomies
§33-24-7h. Required Use of Mail-Order Pharmacy Prohibited
§33-24-7i. Third-Party Reimbursement for Kidney Disease Screening
§33-24-7j. Required Coverage for Dental Anesthesia Services
§33-24-7k. Coverage for Diagnosis and Treatment of Autism Spectrum Disorders
§33-24-7m. Deductibles, Copayments and Coinsurance for Anti-Cancer Medications
§33-24-7n. Eye Drop Prescription Refills
§33-24-7o. Deductibles, Copayments and Coinsurance for Abuse-Deterrent Opioid Analgesic Drugs
§33-24-7q. Coverage for Amino Acid-Based Formulas
§33-24-7r. Substance Use Disorder
§33-24-7s. Prior Authorization
§33-24-7t. Fairness in Cost-Sharing Calculation
§33-24-7u. Mental Health Parity
§33-24-7v. Incorporation of the Health Benefit Plan Network Access and Adequacy Act
§33-24-7w. Incorporation of the Coverage for 12-Month Refill for Contraceptive Drugs
§33-24-9. Payroll Deduction for Governmental Employees
§33-24-10. Investments; Bonds of Corporate Officers and Employees, Minimum Statutory Surplus
§33-24-11. Reciprocity With Other Service Plans; Payment Authorized
§33-24-12. Creation of Subsidiary Corporation or Corporations
§33-24-13. Continuum of Care Services
§33-24-14. Delinquency Proceedings
§33-24-43. Policies Discriminating Among Health Care Providers
§33-24-45. Assignment of Certain Benefits in Dental Care Insurance Coverage