West Virginia Code
Article 2. Insurance Commissioner
§33-2-7. Immunity of Witness

If any person shall ask to be excused from attending and testifying or from producing any books, papers, records, correspondence or other documents at any hearing conducted pursuant to this chapter or chapter twenty-three of this code or in any cause or proceeding instituted by the commissioner pursuant to this chapter or chapter twenty-three of this code on the ground that the testimony or evidence required of him may tend to incriminate him or subject him to a criminal penalty and shall notwithstanding be directed by the commissioner to give such testimony or produce such evidence, he must nonetheless comply with such direction, but he shall not thereafter be prosecuted or subjected to any criminal penalty for or on account of any matter or thing concerning which he may testify or produce evidence, pursuant thereto, and no testimony so given or evidence produced shall be received against him upon any criminal action, investigation or proceeding: Provided, That no such individual so testifying shall be exempt from prosecution or punishment for any perjury or false swearing, committed by him while so testifying and the testimony or evidence so given or produced is admissible against him upon any criminal action, investigation or proceeding concerning such perjury or false swearing, nor is he exempt from the refusal, revocation or suspension of any license, permission or authority conferred, or to be conferred, pursuant to this chapter. Any such individual may execute, acknowledge and file in the office of the commissioner a statement expressly waiving such immunity or privilege in respect to any transaction, matter or thing specified in such statement and thereupon the testimony of such person or such evidence in relation to such transaction, matter or thing may be received or produced before any judge or justice, court, tribunal, grand jury or otherwise, and if so received or produced such individual is not entitled to any immunity or privilege on account of any testimony he may so give or evidence so produced.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 33. Insurance

Article 2. Insurance Commissioner

§33-2-1. Office Continued; Appointment, Qualifications and Term

§33-2-2. Compensation and Expenses of Commissioner and Employees; Location of Office

§33-2-3. Duties of the Commissioner; Employment of Legal Counsel

§33-2-3a. Administrative Investigations

§33-2-4. Authority to Take Depositions, Subpoena Witnesses, etc.

§33-2-5. Witness Fees

§33-2-6. Service of Subpoena; Compelling Compliance

§33-2-7. Immunity of Witness

§33-2-8. Insured to Produce Records Upon Request

§33-2-9. Examination of Insurers, Agents, Brokers and Solicitors; Access to Books, Records, etc.

§33-2-9a. Imposing a One-Time Assessment on All Insurance Carriers

§33-2-10. Rules and Regulations

§33-2-10a. Insurance Emergencies -- Suspension of Deadlines

§33-2-11. Enforcement of Orders; Revocation of Licenses; Court Action

§33-2-12. Notice

§33-2-13. Hearings

§33-2-14. Judicial Review

§33-2-15. Annual Report by Commissioner

§33-2-15a. Annual Flood Insurance Communication to Public Entities by Commissioner

§33-2-15b. Reports to the Legislature

§33-2-15c. Reports to the Legislature

§33-2-15d. Report to the Legislature

§33-2-16. Office of Consumer Advocacy Established; Director of Consumer Advocacy; Promulgation of Rules

§33-2-17. Office of Consumer Advocacy

§33-2-18. Funding

§33-2-19. Confidentiality of Information

§33-2-20. Authority of Commissioner to Allow Withdrawal of Insurance Carriers From Doing Business in the State

§33-2-21. Authority of Insurance Commissioner to Regulate Workers' Compensation Industry; Authority of Insurance Commissioner to Administer Chapter Twenty-Three of the Code of West Virginia

§33-2-21a. State Agency Workers' Compensation Programs

§33-2-22. Authority of Insurance Commissioner Regarding Employers in Default to Workers' Compensation Funds; Injunctions Against Defaulting Employers

§33-2-23. Transfer of Assets of the State Office of the National Flood Insurance Program

§33-2-24. Authority of Insurance Commissioner to Enforce No Surprises Act; Administrative Penalties; Injunctive Relief; Regulatory Assistance of Other Agencies; Rulemaking; Effective Date