West Virginia Code
Article 8. Hearings; Administrative Procedures; Judicial Review; Unlawful Acts; Penalties
§31A-8-8. False Statements Concerning Banking Institutions

Whoever, directly or indirectly, wilfully and knowingly makes or transmits to another, or circulates, or counsels, aids, procures, or induces another to make, transmit or circulate, any false or untrue statement, rumor or suggestion derogatory to the financial condition, solvency or financial standing of any banking institution, or with intent to depress the value of the stocks, bonds or securities of any such banking institution, directly or indirectly, wilfully and knowingly makes or transmits to another, circulates or counsels, aids, procures or induces another to make, transmit or circulate any false or untrue statement, rumor or suggestion derogatory to the financial condition, or with respect to the earnings or management of the business of any banking institution or resorts to any fraudulent means with intent to depress in value the stocks, bonds or securities of any banking institution, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, subject to the penalties provided in section fifteen of this article.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 31A. Banks and Banking

Article 8. Hearings; Administrative Procedures; Judicial Review; Unlawful Acts; Penalties

§31A-8-1. Hearings Before Commissioner or Hearing Examiner; Procedure, etc.

§31A-8-2. Judicial Review; Appeals to Supreme Court of Appeals

§31A-8-3. Certain Practices by Affiliates, Officers, etc., of Corporate Financial Institutions Forbidden; Penalties

§31A-8-4. Change in Control of Banking Institution; Loans on Bank Stocks; Required Procedures; Prohibitions; Penalties

§31A-8-5. Dealing in Own Stock; Stock Purchases; Limitations; Exceptions

§31A-8-6. Receiving Deposits or Issuing Choses in Action During Insolvency

§31A-8-7. Certifying Checks Falsely

§31A-8-8. False Statements Concerning Banking Institutions

§31A-8-8a. Unauthorized Disclosure of Information From a Financial Institution Examination Report

§31A-8-9. Misapplication of Funds; Fraud by Officers or Employees; False Entries in Books; False Statements; Penalties

§31A-8-10. Unlawful Activity by Bank Personnel

§31A-8-11. Failure to Make, Publish or Distribute Reports; Penalty

§31A-8-12. Procedure for Authorization of Branch Banks; Temporary Offices at Colleges and Universities; Limitations and Restrictions; Examinations and Hearings; Standards of Review; Penalties for Violation of Section

§31A-8-12a. Banking From Mobile Units; Limitation of Messenger Services

§31A-8-12b. Installation and Operation of Customer Bank Communication Terminals Permitted

§31A-8-12c. Loan Origination Offices Permitted

§31A-8-12d. Expedited Procedure for Authorization of De Novo Branch Banks

§31A-8-13. Banking Institution Not to Be Surety; Hypothecation and Other Dealings With Securities and Assets Limited

§31A-8-15. General Penalties

§31A-8-16. Misdemeanors and Felonies

§31A-8-17. Legal Representation of Commissioner and Board

§31A-8-18. References to Code Provisions