West Virginia Code
Article 18. West Virginia Housing Development Fund
§31-18-14. Disclaimer of Any Liability of State of West Virginia

The state of West Virginia shall not be liable on notes, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness of the Housing Development Fund and such notes, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness shall not be a debt of the State of West Virginia, and such notes, bonds or other evidences of indebtedness shall contain on the face thereof a statement to such effect.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 31. Corporations

Article 18. West Virginia Housing Development Fund

§31-18-1. Short Title

§31-18-2. Legislative Findings and Purpose

§31-18-3. Definitions

§31-18-4. Composition; Board of Directors; Appointment, Term, etc., of Private Members; Chairman and Vice Chairman; Quorum

§31-18-5. Management and Control of Housing Development Fund Vested in Board; Officers; Liability

§31-18-6. Corporate Powers

§31-18-6a. Certain Loans Exempt From Laws Limiting Interest Rates or Providing Forfeitures, etc.

§31-18-7. Notes or Bonds as General Obligations of Housing Development Fund

§31-18-8. Notes and Bonds as Negotiable Instruments

§31-18-9. Borrowing of Money

§31-18-10. Sale of Notes or Bonds

§31-18-11. Authorizing Resolutions

§31-18-12. Validity of Any Pledge, Mortgage, Deed of Trust or Security Instrument

§31-18-13. Redemption of Notes or Bonds

§31-18-14. Disclaimer of Any Liability of State of West Virginia

§31-18-15. Limitation of Rights Vested in Housing Development Fund by State

§31-18-16. Default in Payment of Principal or Interest

§31-18-17. Investment in Notes and Bonds

§31-18-18. Tax Exemption

§31-18-19. Operating Loan Fund

§31-18-20. Authorized Limit on Borrowing

§31-18-20a. Land Development Fund

§31-18-20b. Mortgage Finance Bond Insurance Fund

§31-18-20c. Jobs Development Fund

§31-18-20d. Affordable Housing Fund

§31-18-21. Prohibition on Funds Inuring to the Benefit of or Being Distributable to Directors, Officers or Private Persons; Transactions Between the Housing Development Fund and Directors or Officers Having Certain Interests in Such Transactions

§31-18-22. Termination or Dissolution

§31-18-23. Services to the State of West Virginia and Its Political Subdivisions

§31-18-23a. Bond Issues Under the Federal Revenue Adjustments Act of 1980

§31-18-24. Annual Audit; Reports to Joint Committee on Government and Finance; Information to Joint Committee or Legislative Auditor

§31-18-25. Severability Clause

§31-18-26. Projects Not to Be Deemed Public Improvements

§31-18-27. Documentary Materials Concerning Trade Secrets; Commercial, Financial, or Personal Information; Confidentiality

§31-18-28. West Virginia Property Rescue Initiative: Findings; Technical Assistance and Revolving Loan Program for Removal of Dilapidated Housing; Reporting Required

§31-18-29. Dissolution of West Virginia Affordable Housing Trust Fund