West Virginia Code
Article 15. West Virginia Economic Development Authority
§31-15-23. Economic Development Fund

The economic development fund, to which shall be credited any appropriation made by the Legislature to the authority, any funds which the authority is authorized to receive under any provision of this code, other funds which the board directs to be deposited into the fund, and such other deposits as are provided for in this section, is hereby continued in the State Treasury as a special account.
The authority may requisition from the fund such amounts as are necessary to provide for the payment of the administrative expenses of this article. Notwithstanding any other provision of this article, whenever the authority determines it to be necessary to purchase at a foreclosure sale any project pursuant to subdivision (t), section six of this article, it may requisition from the fund such amount as is necessary to pay the purchase price thereof.
The authority shall requisition from the fund such amounts as are allocated and appropriated for loans to industrial development agencies or enterprises for projects. As loans to industrial development agencies or enterprises are repaid to the authority pursuant to the terms of mortgages and other agreements, the authority shall pay such amounts into the fund, consistent with the intent of this article that the fund shall operate as a revolving fund whereby all appropriations and payments made thereto may be applied and reapplied for the purposes of this article. Revenues deposited into the fund may be used to make payments of interest and principal and may be pledged as security for bonds, security interests or notes issued by the authority pursuant to this article.
Whenever the authority determines that the balance in the fund is in excess of the immediate requirements for loans, it may request that such excess be invested until needed for loan purposes, in which case such excess shall be invested in a manner consistent with the investment of other temporary state funds. Interest earned on any money invested pursuant to this section shall be credited to the fund.
If the authority determines that funds held in the fund are in excess of the amount needed to carry out the purposes of this article, it may take such action as is necessary to release such excess and transfer it to the General Fund of the State Treasury.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 31. Corporations

Article 15. West Virginia Economic Development Authority

§31-15-1. Short Title

§31-15-2. Legislative Findings

§31-15-3. Purposes of Article

§31-15-3a. West Virginia Industry and Jobs Development Corporation Abolished; Establishment of Economic Development Authority as Successor to Corporation

§31-15-4. Definitions

§31-15-5. West Virginia Economic Development Authority; Composition; Appointment; Terms; Delegation of Authority by Chairman; Voting; Compensation and Expenses

§31-15-6. General Powers of Authority

§31-15-6a. Special Power of Authority to Transfer Funds; Limitations; Fund Created; Use of Funds to Provide Customized Job Training Program by Governor's Office of Economic and Community Development

§31-15-6b. Special Power of Authority to Issue Bonds or Notes to Repay and Refinance Capital Investment of Investment Management Board in Regional Jail and Correctional Facility Authority; Authorizing Issuance of Bonds to Finance Regional Jail Facili...

§31-15-6c. Neighborhood Housing and Economic Development Stabilization Program; Authority to Contract With Housing Development Fund; Funding

§31-15-7. Loans to Industrial Development Agencies or Enterprises for Projects

§31-15-8. Insurance Fund

§31-15-8a. Broadband Loan Insurance Program; Requirements

§31-15-9. Bonds and Notes Issued Pursuant to This Article

§31-15-10. Approval by Authority

§31-15-11. Trustee for Bondholders; Contents of Trust Agreement; Pledge or Assignment of Revenues

§31-15-12. Use of Funds by Authority; Restrictions Thereon Relating to Projects

§31-15-12a. Horseshoe Pitcher S Hall of Fame

§31-15-12b. Loans to Support Tourism

§31-15-13. Refunding Bonds or Notes

§31-15-14. Obligations of Authority Undertaken Pursuant to This Article Not Debt of State, County, Municipality or Any Political Subdivision

§31-15-15. Negotiability of Bonds and Notes Issued Pursuant to This Article

§31-15-16. Bonds and Notes Issued Pursuant to This Article; Legal Investments

§31-15-16a. Bonds for Capital Improvements at Institutions of Higher Education, State Parks, the State Capitol Complex, Other State Facilities or Tourism Sites; Limitations; Authority to Issue Revenue Bonds; Use of Funds to Pay for Projects

§31-15-16b. Lottery Revenue Bonds for Cacapon Resort State Park and Beech Fork State Park

§31-15-16c. Bonds for County Capital Improvements; Limitations; Authority to Issue Revenue Bonds; Use of Funds to Pay for Projects

§31-15-16d. Lottery Revenue Bonds for State Park Projects

§31-15-17. Exemption From Taxation

§31-15-18. Personal Liability; Persons Executing Bonds or Notes Issued Pursuant to This Article

§31-15-19. Cumulative Authority as to Powers Conferred; Applicability of Other Statutes and Charters; Bonds and Notes Issued Pursuant to This Article

§31-15-20. Authority of the Board of Investments

§31-15-21. Loan and Insurance Application Requirements

§31-15-22. Documentary Materials Concerning Trade Secrets; Commercial or Financial Information; or Confidentiality

§31-15-23. Economic Development Fund

§31-15-23a. Economic Development Project Fund

§31-15-24. Transfer of State Property to the Authority

§31-15-25. Validity of Any Pledge, Mortgage, Deed of Trust or Security Instrument

§31-15-26. Money of the Authority

§31-15-27. Conflict of Interest; When Contracts Void

§31-15-28. Agreement With Federal Agencies Not to Alter or Limit Powers of Authority

§31-15-29. Audits

§31-15-30. Projects Not to Be Considered Public Improvements

§31-15-31. Foreign Trade Zones; Authority Approval

§31-15-32. Severability

§31-15-33. Construction