West Virginia Code
Article 9. Offenses and Penalties
§3-9-13. Buying or Selling Vote Unlawful; Penalties

(a) It is unlawful for any person to offer or to pay money or any other thing of value to any person as consideration for the vote of the offeree or payee, as the case may be, to be cast for or against any candidate or issue in any election held in the state. Any person who violates the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a felony, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $5,000 or imprisoned for a period of not less than one year, nor more than five years, or both.
(b) It is likewise unlawful for any person to accept or agree to accept money or other thing of value as consideration for the vote of the acceptee, to be cast for or against any candidate or issue in any election held in the state. Any person who violates the provisions of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 or imprisoned in the county jail not more than one year, or both.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 3. Elections

Article 9. Offenses and Penalties

§3-9-1. False or Fraudulent Returns; Tampering With, Destroying or Misdelivering Ballots, Records, etc.; Forgeries; Aiding, etc., in Offense; Penalties

§3-9-2. Unlawful Printing, Possession or Delivery of Ballots; Penalties

§3-9-3. False Swearing; Penalties

§3-9-4. Commissioner's Failure to Procure or Return Supplies; Penalties

§3-9-5. Destruction or Removal of Election Supplies and Equipment; Attempts; Penalties

§3-9-6. Unauthorized Presence in Election Room; 100-Foot Limit; Penalties

§3-9-7. Wrongful Refusal or Allowance of Votes; Malicious or Frivolous Challenges; Penalties

§3-9-8. Distinguishing Marks on Ballots; Conspiracies; Penalties

§3-9-9. Electioneering Defined; Unlawful Acts at Polling Places; Exceptions; Penalties

§3-9-10. Disorder at Polls; Prevention; Failure to Assist in Preventing Disorder; Penalties

§3-9-11. Failure to Make Returns; Penalties

§3-9-12. Improper Influence and Bribery by Candidates; Penalties

§3-9-13. Buying or Selling Vote Unlawful; Penalties

§3-9-15. Unlawful Acts by Employers; Penalties

§3-9-16. Receiving or Soliciting Bribes by Voters; Penalties

§3-9-17. Illegal Voting; Deceiving Voters; Penalties

§3-9-18. Unlawful Voting in Primary Elections; Penalties

§3-9-19. Violations Concerning Absent Voters' Ballots; Penalties

§3-9-20. Obstructing Employees' Freedom to Vote; Penalties

§3-9-21. Improper Interference With Voters Travel to and From the Polls; Penalties

§3-9-22. Wagering or Betting on Elections; Penalties

§3-9-23. Punishment Where Penalty Not Prescribed or Where Failure to Perform Duty Not Specifically Made an Offense

§3-9-24. Limitations on Prosecutions