West Virginia Code
Article 1. General Provisions and Definitions
§3-1-50. Establishment of State-Based Administrative Complaint Procedures

(a) The Secretary of State shall establish and maintain a state-based administrative complaint procedure for complaints received concerning election violations which shall meet the following requirements:
(1) The procedures shall be uniform and nondiscriminatory.
(2) Under the procedures, any person who believes that there is a violation of any provision of this chapter or Title III of the Help America Vote Act, Pub. L. 107-252, including a violation which has occurred, is occurring or is about to occur, may file a complaint.
(3) Any complaint filed under the procedures shall be in writing, notarized and signed and sworn by the person filing the complaint.
(4) The Secretary of State may consolidate complaints filed under this section.
(5) At the request of the complainant there shall be a hearing on the record.
(6) Violations of any provision of this chapter or Title III of the Help America Vote Act, Pub. L. 107-252 shall be punishable in accordance with the provisions of article nine of this chapter.
(7) If, under the procedures, the Secretary of State determines that there is no violation, the Secretary of State shall dismiss the complaint and publish the results of the procedures.
(8) The Secretary of State shall make a final determination with respect to a complaint prior to the expiration of the ninety-day period which begins on the date the complaint is filed unless the complainant consents to a longer period for making a determination.
(9) If the Secretary of State fails to meet the deadline applicable under subdivision (8) of this section, the complaint shall be resolved within sixty days under alternative dispute resolution procedures established for purposes of this section. The record and other materials from any proceedings conducted under the complaint procedures established under this section shall be made available for use under the alternative dispute resolution procedures.
(b) The administrative complaint procedure required by subsection (a) of this section is not applicable if, within thirty days of the filing of the complaint: (1) The Secretary of State initiates an investigation; (2) the Secretary of State determines that the allegations contained in the complaint may result in a finding of a criminal violation; and (3) the Secretary of State determines that the administrative complaint procedure required by this section would endanger or impede the associated criminal investigation: Provided, That within three business days thereafter the Secretary of State shall notify the complainant in writing that the allegations contained in the complaint may result in a finding of a criminal violation and, therefore, the administrative procedure contained in this section is inapplicable.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 3. Elections

Article 1. General Provisions and Definitions

§3-1-1. Short Title; Purpose

§3-1-2. Scope of Chapter; Definitions

§3-1-2a. Municipal Elections

§3-1-3. Persons Entitled to Vote

§3-1-3a. Persons Entitled to Vote Under Federal Voting Rights Act Amendments of 1970; Authority of Secretary of State

§3-1-4. Manner of Voting

§3-1-5. Voting Precincts and Places Established; Number of Voters in Precincts; Precinct Map; Municipal Map

§3-1-6. Municipal Voting Precincts

§3-1-7. Precinct Changes; Procedure; Precinct Record

§3-1-8. Political Party Defined; Parties or Groups That May Participate in Municipal Primary Elections

§3-1-9. Political Party Committees; How Composed; Organization

§3-1-10. Party Committees in Office

§3-1-11. Powers of State Executive Committee; Central or Subcommittees; Party Emblems

§3-1-12. Members of National Party Committee

§3-1-13. Other Party or Group Committees

§3-1-14. Presidential Electors; How Chosen; Duties; Vacancies; Compensation

§3-1-15. Election of United States Senators and Congressmen

§3-1-16. Election of State Officers

§3-1-17. Election of Circuit Judges; County and District Officers; Magistrates

§3-1-18. Election to Fill Other Offices

§3-1-19. Ballot Commissioners; Selection; Duties Generally; Vacancies

§3-1-20. Cards of Instructions to Voters; Sample Ballots; Posting

§3-1-21. Printing of Official and Sample Ballots; Number; Packaging and Delivery; Correction of Ballots

§3-1-21a. Vendors Authorized to Print Ballots; Eligibility; Application and Certification; Denial, Suspension and Revocation of Authorization; Appeal

§3-1-22. County Court Clerks to Provide Election Supplies; Requirements for Poll Books and Ballot Boxes

§3-1-23. County Commission to Arrange Polling Places and Equipment; Requirements

§3-1-24. Obtaining and Delivering Election Supplies

§3-1-25. Supplies by Special Messenger

§3-1-26. Election Supplies in Emergencies

§3-1-27. Municipal Precinct Registration Records

§3-1-28. Election Officials; Eligibility, Suspension of Eligibility

§3-1-29. Boards of Election Officials; Definitions, Composition of Boards, Determination of Number and Type

§3-1-30. Nomination and Appointment of Election Officials and Alternates; Notice of Appointment; Appointment to Fill Vacancies in Election Boards

§3-1-30a. Oaths of Election Commissioners and Poll Clerks, Substitution of Persons

§3-1-31. Days and Hours of Elections; Scheduling of Local Elections; Extension or Shortening of Terms of Certain Elected Local Officials

§3-1-32. Opening and Closing Polls; Procedure

§3-1-33. How Elections Conducted by Double Boards

§3-1-34. Voting Procedures Generally; Identification; Assistance to Voters; Voting Records; Penalties

§3-1-35. Ballots to Be Furnished Voters

§3-1-36. Report on and Disposition of Ballots Spoiled or Not Used

§3-1-37. Restrictions on Presence and Conduct at Polls

§3-1-38. Disorder at Polls; Procedure

§3-1-39. Illegal Voting; Affidavit; Procedure

§3-1-41. Challenged and Provisional Voter Procedures; Counting of Provisional Voters' Ballots; Ballots of Election Officials

§3-1-42. Time Off for Voting

§3-1-43. Disposition of Miscellaneous Election Papers

§3-1-44. Compensation of Election Officials; Expenses

§3-1-45. Court Proceedings to Compel Performance of Duties, etc.

§3-1-46. Training Program for Election Officials

§3-1-48. Legislative Findings; State Election Fund; Loans to Counties; Availability of Funds; Repayment of Loans; Grants to Counties for Election Systems

§3-1-49. Voting System Standards

§3-1-50. Establishment of State-Based Administrative Complaint Procedures

§3-1-51. Identity Verification of Voters Executing Voter Identity Affidavit