West Virginia Code
Article 3. Rule Making
§29A-3-4. Filing of Proposed Legislative Exempt Rules, Procedural Rules and Interpretive Rules

(a) When an agency proposes a legislative exempt rule, procedural rule or an interpretive rule, the agency shall file in the State Register a notice of its action, including the text of the rule as proposed.
(b) All proposed rules filed under subsection (a) of this section shall have a fiscal note attached itemizing the cost of implementing the rules as they relate to this state and to persons affected by the rules. The fiscal note shall include all information included in a fiscal note for either house of the Legislature and a statement of the economic impact of the rule on the state or its residents. The objectives of the rule shall be clearly and separately stated in the fiscal note by the agency issuing the proposed rules. A legislative exempt, procedural or interpretive rule is not void or voidable by virtue of noncompliance with this subsection.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 29A. State Administrative Procedures Act

Article 3. Rule Making

§29A-3-1. Rules to Be Promulgated Only in Accordance With This Article

§29A-3-1a. Filing Proposed Amendments to an Existing Rule; and Repealing an Existing Rule

§29A-3-1b. Rules of the Tax Department

§29A-3-2. Limitations on Authority to Exercise Rule-Making Power

§29A-3-3. Rules of Procedure Required

§29A-3-4. Filing of Proposed Legislative Exempt Rules, Procedural Rules and Interpretive Rules

§29A-3-5. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking

§29A-3-6. Filing Findings and Determinations for Rules in State Register; Evidence Deemed Public Record

§29A-3-7. Notice of Hearings

§29A-3-8. Adoption of Legislative Exempt, Procedural, and Interpretive Rules

§29A-3-9. Proposal of Legislative Rules

§29A-3-10. Creation of a Legislative Rule-Making Review Committee

§29A-3-11. Submission of Legislative Rules to the Legislative Rule-Making Review Committee

§29A-3-12. Submission of Legislative Rules to Legislature

§29A-3-13. Adoption of Legislative Rules; Effective Date

§29A-3-14. Withdrawal or Modification of Proposed Rules

§29A-3-15. Emergency Legislative Rules; Procedure for Promulgation; Definition

§29A-3-15a. Disapproval of Emergency Rules and Amendments to Emergency Rules by the Secretary of State; Judicial Review

§29A-3-15b. Disapproval of Emergency Rules and Amendments to Emergency Rules by the Attorney General; Judicial Review

§29A-3-16. Legislative Review of Procedural Rules, Interpretive Legislative Rules

§29A-3-17. Prior Rules

§29A-3-18. Severability of Legislative Rules

§29A-3-19. Sunset Provision in Rules

§29A-3-20. Executive Review of Agency Rules, Guidelines, Policies and Recommendations