West Virginia Code
Article 3. Fire Prevention and Control Act
§29-3-5f. Fire Service Equipment and Training Fund; Creation of Fire Service Equipment and Training Grant


Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 29. Miscellaneous Boards and Officers

Article 3. Fire Prevention and Control Act

§29-3-1. Short Title

§29-3-2. Legislative Findings and Declaration of Policy

§29-3-3. State Fire Commission Created; Composition; Qualifications; Appointment; Terms of Office; Removal; Vacancies; Compensation and Expenses

§29-3-4. Chairman; Vice Chairman; Meetings; Quorum

§29-3-5. Promulgation of Rules and State Fire Code

§29-3-5a. Hazardous Substance Emergency Response Training Programs

§29-3-5b. Promulgation of Rules and Statewide Building Code

§29-3-5c. Liquified Petroleum Gas Systems

§29-3-5d. Volunteer Firefighters Training

§29-3-5e. Courtesy Certification of Firefighters in Surrounding States to Serve as Volunteer Firefighter

§29-3-5f. Fire Service Equipment and Training Fund; Creation of Fire Service Equipment and Training Grant

§29-3-5g. Class B Fire-Fighting Foam

§29-3-6. Public Hearings and Notice

§29-3-7. Commission S Powers in Conduct of Public Hearing

§29-3-8. Comprehensive Report by State Fire Marshal

§29-3-9. Powers, Duties and Authority of State Fire Commission and State Fire Marshal

§29-3-10. State Fire Marshal S Office Transferred to State Fire Commission; Powers and Duties of State Insurance Commissioner With Respect to Fire Marshal Terminated; Operation of Commission Prior to Adoption of Code

§29-3-11. Appointment of State Fire Marshal; Term of Office; Removal; Salary; Qualifications; Responsibilities; Employees; Equipment

§29-3-12. Powers and Duties of State Fire Marshal

§29-3-12a. Responsibilities of Insurance Companies in Fire Loss Investigation

§29-3-12b. Fees

§29-3-13. Annual Reports

§29-3-14. Maintenance of Fire Hazard; Order for Repair or Demolition; Order to Contain Notice to Comply and Right to Appeal

§29-3-15. Service of Repair or Demolition Order

§29-3-16. Work to Be Done at Expense of Owner or Occupant Upon Failure to Comply With Repair or Demolition Order; Action to Recover

§29-3-16a. Smoke Detectors in One- and Two-Family Dwellings; Carbon Monoxide Detectors in Residential Units, Schools, and Daycare Facilities; Penalty

§29-3-16b. Use of Live Trees in Public Buildings; Exceptions

§29-3-16c. Safety Standards for Bed and Breakfast Establishments; Findings

§29-3-16d. Performance of Installation of Propane Gas Systems

§29-3-17. Additional Remedies to Abate, etc., Fire Hazards

§29-3-18. Appellate Procedure Generally

§29-3-19. Establishment of Demonstration Buildings and Equipment for Educational Instruction in Fire Prevention and Protection; Payment Therefor

§29-3-21. False Alarm of Fire; Penalties

§29-3-22. Tax on Insurance Companies

§29-3-27. Penalties

§29-3-28. Transfer of Certain State Employees; Perpetuation of Rules, Regulations and Orders

§29-3-29. Construction

§29-3-30. Severability

§29-3-32. Awarding Service Weapon Upon Retirement of Fire Marshal or Service Weapon