All table games authorized by this article shall be West Virginia lottery games owned by the State of West Virginia. A racetrack table games license granted to a pari-mutuel racetrack by the commission pursuant to this article shall include the transfer by the commission to the racetrack limited license rights in and to the commission's intellectual property ownership of the West Virginia lottery games which includes granting licensees limited lawful authority relating to the conduct of lottery table games for consideration, within the terms and conditions established pursuant to this article and any rules promulgated under this article.
Structure West Virginia Code
Chapter 29. Miscellaneous Boards and Officers
Article 22C. West Virginia Lottery Racetrack Table Games Act
§29-22C-4. Commission Duties and Powers
§29-22C-5. Appointment of Commission Staff; Conditions of Employment
§29-22C-7. Local Option Election
§29-22C-8. License to Operate a Racetrack With West Virginia Lottery Table Games
§29-22C-9. State Ownership of Table Games
§29-22C-10. Duties of Racetrack Table Games Licensee
§29-22C-11. Reports by a Racetrack Table Games Licensee
§29-22C-12. License to Supply a Racetrack With Gaming Equipment or Services
§29-22C-13. License to Be Employed in a Racetrack With West Virginia Lottery Table Games
§29-22C-14. License to Be a Provider of Management Services
§29-22C-15. License or Registration Prohibitions
§29-22C-16. License or Registration Denial, Revocation, Suspension, and Reprimand
§29-22C-17. Hearing Procedures
§29-22C-18. Notice of License Expiration and Renewal
§29-22C-19. Miscellaneous License Provisions
§29-22C-20. Game Rules of Play; Disputes
§29-22C-21. Betting Limits; Operations and Services
§29-22C-22. Posting of Betting Limits
§29-22C-23. Complimentary Service, Gift, Cash or Other Item
§29-22C-25. Inspection and Seizure
§29-22C-26. Tax on the Privilege of Holding a License to Operate West Virginia Lottery Table Games
§29-22C-28. Prohibition on Unauthorized Wagering
§29-22C-29. Offenses and Penalties
§29-22C-30. Forfeiture of Property