No common carrier by motor vehicle shall operate any motor facility for transportation of either persons or property for hire or any public highway in this state except in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, and no person, after January 1, 1940, shall, at the same time, hold under this chapter a certificate as a common carrier and a permit as a contract carrier authorizing operations for the transportation of property by motor vehicles over the same route or within the same territory unless for good cause shown and the commission determines that such certificate and permit may be held consistent with the public interest and the policy stated in section one, article one of this chapter.
Structure West Virginia Code
Chapter 24A. Commercial Motor Carriers
Article 2. Common Carriers by Motor Vehicles
§24A-2-1. Subject to Public Utility and Common Carrier Laws
§24A-2-2. Provisions of Chapter to Govern; Common Carrier Certificate and Contract Carrier Permit
§24A-2-2a. Regulation of Business of Towing, Hauling or Carrying Wrecked or Disabled Vehicles
§24A-2-3. Regulatory Powers of Commission
§24A-2-4. Rates, Fares and Charges
§24A-2-4b. Motor Carriers Transporting Solid Waste; Origin of Waste Disclosure; Penalties
§24A-2-5. Certificate of Convenience and Necessity
§24A-2-6. For Hire Common Carriers of Passengers; Definitions; Driving Time; Rules