West Virginia Code
Article 3. Solid Waste Management Board
§22C-3-22. Conduct of Proceedings of Board

The board shall comply with all of the requirements in article nine-a, chapter six of this code.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 22C. Environmental Resources; Boards, Authorities, Commissions and Compacts

Article 3. Solid Waste Management Board

§22C-3-1. Short Title

§22C-3-2. Legislative Findings; Declaration of Policy and Responsibility; Purpose and Intent of Article

§22C-3-3. Definitions

§22C-3-4. Solid Waste Management Board; Organization of Board; Appointment and Qualification of Board Members; Their Term of Office, Compensation, and Expenses; Director of Board

§22C-3-5. Board to Designate and Establish Disposal Sheds; Construction, Maintenance, etc., of Disposal Projects; Loan Agreements; Compliance With Federal and State Law

§22C-3-6. Powers, Duties and Responsibilities of Board Generally

§22C-3-7. Development of State Solid Waste Management Plan

§22C-3-8. Power of Board to Collect Service Charges and Exercise Other Powers of Governmental Agencies in Event of Default; Power to Require Governmental Agencies to Enforce Their Rights

§22C-3-9. Development and Designation of Solid Waste Disposal Sheds by Board

§22C-3-10. Board Empowered to Issue Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds, Renewal Notes and Refunding Bonds; Requirements and Manner of Such Issuance

§22C-3-11. Establishment of Reserve Funds, Replacement and Improvement Funds and Sinking Funds; Fiscal Agent; Purposes for Use of Bond Proceeds; Application of Surplus

§22C-3-12. Legal Remedies of Bondholders

§22C-3-13. Bonds and Notes Not Debt of State, County, Municipality or of Any Political Subdivision; Expenses Incurred Pursuant to Article

§22C-3-14. Use of Funds, Properties, etc., by Board; Restrictions Thereon

§22C-3-15. Audit of Funds Disbursed by the Board and Recipients Thereof

§22C-3-16. Rentals, Fees, Service Charges and Other Revenues From Solid Waste Disposal Projects; Contracts and Leases of Board; Cooperation of Other Governmental Agencies; Bonds of Such Agencies

§22C-3-17. Maintenance, Operation and Repair of Projects; Repair of Damaged Property; Reports by Board to Governor and Legislature

§22C-3-18. Solid Waste Disposal Revenue Bonds Lawful Investments

§22C-3-19. Exemption From Taxation

§22C-3-20. Governmental Agencies Authorized to Convey Property

§22C-3-21. Financial Interest in Contracts, Projects, etc., Prohibited; Gratuities Prohibited; Penalty

§22C-3-22. Conduct of Proceedings of Board

§22C-3-23. Regulation of Solid Waste Collectors and Haulers to Continue Under Public Service Commission; Bringing About Their Compliance With Solid Waste Disposal Shed Plan and Solid Waste Disposal Projects; Giving Testimony at Commission Hearings

§22C-3-24. Cooperation of Board and Enforcement Agencies in Collecting and Disposing of Abandoned Household Appliances and Motor Vehicles, etc.

§22C-3-25. Liberal Construction of Article

§22C-3-26. Supersedure Over County and Regional Solid Waste Authorities