West Virginia Code
Article 1. Water Development Authority
§22C-1-17. Maintenance, Operation and Repair of Projects; Reports by Authority to Governor and Legislature

Each water development project, when constructed and placed in operation, shall be maintained and kept in good condition and repair by the authority or if owned by a governmental agency, by such governmental agency, or the authority or such governmental agency shall cause the same to be maintained and kept in good condition and repair. Each such project owned by the authority shall be operated by such operating employees as the authority employs or pursuant to a contract or lease with a governmental agency or person. All public or private property damaged or destroyed in carrying out the provisions of this article and in the exercise of the powers granted hereunder with regard to any project shall be restored or repaired and placed in its original condition, as nearly as practicable, or adequate compensation made therefor out of funds provided in accordance with the provisions of this article.
As soon as possible after the close of each fiscal year, the authority shall make an annual report of its activities for the preceding fiscal year to the Governor and the Legislature. Each such report shall set forth a complete operating and financial statement covering the authority's operations during the preceding fiscal year. The authority shall cause an audit of its books and accounts to be made at least once each fiscal year by certified public accountants and the cost thereof may be treated as a part of the cost of construction or of operations of its projects.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 22C. Environmental Resources; Boards, Authorities, Commissions and Compacts

Article 1. Water Development Authority

§22C-1-1. Short Title

§22C-1-2. Declaration of Policy and Responsibility; Purpose and Intent of Article; Findings

§22C-1-3. Definitions

§22C-1-4. Water Development Authority; Water Development Board; Organization of Authority and Board; Appointment of Board Members; Their Term of Office, Compensation and Expenses; Director of Authority; Compensation

§22C-1-5. Authority May Construct, Finance, Maintain, etc., Water Development Projects; Loans to Governmental Agencies Are Subject to Terms of Loan Agreements

§22C-1-6. Powers, Duties, and Responsibilities of Authority Generally

§22C-1-6a. Additional Powers of the West Virginia Water Development Authority; Creation of Economic Enhancement Grant Fund

§22C-1-7. Power of Authority to Collect Service Charges and Exercise Other Powers of Governmental Agencies in Event of Default; Power to Require Governmental Agencies to Enforce Their Rights

§22C-1-8. Expenditure of Funds for Study and Engineering of Proposed Projects

§22C-1-9. Authority Empowered to Issue Water Development Revenue Bonds, Renewal Notes and Refunding Bonds; Requirements and Manner of Such Issuance

§22C-1-10. Trustee for Bondholders; Contents of Trust Agreement

§22C-1-11. Trust Agreements for Related Responsibilities; Reimbursements

§22C-1-12. Legal Remedies of Bondholders and Trustees

§22C-1-13. Bonds and Notes Not Debt of State, County, Municipality or of Any Political Subdivision; Expenses Incurred Pursuant to Article

§22C-1-14. Use of Funds by Authority; Restrictions Thereon

§22C-1-15. Investment of Funds by Authority

§22C-1-16. Rentals and Other Revenues From Water Development Projects Owned by the Authority; Contracts and Leases of the Authority; Cooperation of Other Governmental Agencies; Bonds of Such Agencies

§22C-1-17. Maintenance, Operation and Repair of Projects; Reports by Authority to Governor and Legislature

§22C-1-18. Water Development Bonds Lawful Investments

§22C-1-19. Purchase and Cancellation of Notes or Bonds

§22C-1-20. Refunding Bonds

§22C-1-21. Exemption From Taxation

§22C-1-22. Acquisition of Property by Authority -- Acquisition by Purchase; Governmental Agencies Authorized to Convey, etc., Property

§22C-1-23. Same -- Acquisition Under Subdivision (10), Section Six of This Article; Property of Public Utilities and Common Carriers; Relocation, Restoration, etc., of Highways and Public Utility Facilities

§22C-1-24. Financial Interest in Contracts Prohibited; Penalty

§22C-1-25. Meetings and Records of Authority to Be Kept Public

§22C-1-26. Liberal Construction of Article

§22C-1-27. Authorized Limit on Borrowing