No enforcement proceeding brought pursuant to this article may be duplicated by an enforcement proceeding subsequently commenced under some other article of this code with respect to the same transaction or event unless such subsequent proceeding involves the violation of a permit or permitting requirement of such other article.
Structure West Virginia Code
Chapter 22. Environmental Resources
Article 18. Hazardous Waste Management Act
§22-18-2. Declaration of Policy
§22-18-6. Promulgation of Rules by Director
§22-18-7. Authority and Jurisdiction of Other State Agencies
§22-18-8. Permit Process; Undertaking Activities Without a Permit
§22-18-10. Public Participation in Permit Process
§22-18-11. Transition Program for Existing Facilities
§22-18-12. Confidential Information
§22-18-13. Inspections; Right of Entry; Sampling; Reports and Analyses; Subpoenas
§22-18-14. Monitoring, Analysis and Testing
§22-18-15. Enforcement Orders; Hearings
§22-18-17. Civil Penalties and Injunctive Relief
§22-18-18. Imminent and Substantial Hazards; Orders; Penalties; Hearings
§22-18-19. Citizen Suits; Petitions for Rulemaking; Intervention
§22-18-20. Appeal to Environmental Quality Board
§22-18-21. Disclosures Required in Deeds and Leases
§22-18-22. Appropriation of Funds; Hazardous Waste Management Fund
§22-18-23. State Program to Be Consistent With and Equivalent to Federal Program