West Virginia Code
Article 14. Dam Control Act
§22-14-6. Plans and Specifications for Dams to Be in Charge of Registered Professional Engineer

Plans and specifications for the placement, construction, enlargement, alteration, repair or removal of dams shall be in the charge of a registered professional engineer licensed to practice in West Virginia. Any plans or specifications submitted to the department shall bear the seal of a registered professional engineer.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 22. Environmental Resources

Article 14. Dam Control Act

§22-14-1. Short Title

§22-14-2. Legislative Findings; Intent and Purpose of Article

§22-14-3. Definition of Terms Used in Article

§22-14-4. General Powers and Duties of Director; Maximum Fee Established for Certificates of Approval and Annual Registration

§22-14-5. Unlawful to Place, Construct, Enlarge, Alter, Repair, Remove or Abandon Dam Without Certificate of Approval; Application Required to Obtain Certificate

§22-14-6. Plans and Specifications for Dams to Be in Charge of Registered Professional Engineer

§22-14-7. Granting or Rejecting Applications for Certificate of Approval by Division; Publication of Notice of Application; Hearing Upon Application

§22-14-8. Content of Certificates of Approval for Dams; Revocation or Suspension of Certificates

§22-14-9. Inspections During Progress of Work on Dam

§22-14-10. Procedures for Handling Emergencies Involving Dams; Remedial Actions to Alleviate Emergency; Payment of Costs of Remedial Actions to Be Paid by Dam Owner

§22-14-11. Requirements for Dams Completed Prior to Effective Date of This Section

§22-14-12. Dam Owner Not Relieved of Legal Responsibilities by Any Provision of Article

§22-14-13. Offenses and Penalties

§22-14-14. Enforcement Orders; Hearings

§22-14-15. Civil Penalties and Injunctive Relief

§22-14-16. Schedule of Application Fees Established

§22-14-17. Schedule of Annual Registration Fees Established

§22-14-18. Continuation of Dam Safety Fund; Components of Fund

§22-14-19. Dam Safety Rehabilitation Revolving Fund Established; Disbursement of Fund Moneys

§22-14-20. Dam Safety Rehabilitation Revolving Fund Program

§22-14-21. Collection of Money Due to the Fund

§22-14-22. Authority of Department of Environmental Protection for Deficient Dams That Are Privately Owned by a Noncompliant Dam Owner