All claims for indemnity for animals euthanized as having tuberculosis shall be paid in the manner prescribed in section thirty-seven of this article. In all other cases when animals are euthanized as provided in this article the veterinarian shall forthwith forward to the commissioner the certificates of appraisal and euthanasia, together with the owner's claim for indemnity, and the owner's affidavit that the owner has in all respects complied with the agreement provided for in section twenty-eight of this article, and with any other requirements prescribed by the commissioner. If the certificates, claim and affidavit are correct and the claim is not barred by section twenty-nine of this article, the commissioner shall approve and file them. The commissioner shall, at the end of each fiscal year, issue a requisition to the State Auditor for two thirds of the value of the approved certificates: Provided, That in case of an outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease, or any other dangerously contagious or infectious disease among bovine animals, ovine animals, or swine, on account of which such animals are being euthanized by cooperative order of federal and state authority, and for which euthanized animals the federal government pays one half of the indemnity, this state shall pay one half, and only one half, of such indemnity. The State Auditor shall issue a warrant on the state Treasurer, in favor of the claimant, for the amount ordered by the commissioner, which shall be paid out of the current appropriation for administering this article: Provided, however, That in case the amount of the certificates of appraisal, and of those described in section thirty-seven of this article, in any one year, exceeds the current appropriation therefor, the certificates shall be paid pro rata at the end of each fiscal year.
Structure West Virginia Code
Article 9. Diseases Among Domestic Animals
§19-9-2. Duties and Powers of Commissioner
§19-9-3. Consulting Veterinarians to Assist Commissioner
§19-9-4. Inspectors of Animals
§19-9-6. Report of Communicable Diseases by Veterinarians and Owners; Failure to Report
§19-9-7. Commissioner May Accept Federal Laws and Regulations
§19-9-7a. Animal Disease Traceability; Rulemaking; Exemption
§19-9-8. Powers of Federal Inspectors
§19-9-9. County Court May Cooperate in Control and Eradication of Communicable Diseases
§19-9-10. Commissioner May Prescribe Tests for Diseases
§19-9-11. Reports of Sales of and Tests With Diagnostic Materials
§19-9-12. Unlawful Sale of Diagnostic Materials
§19-9-12a. Sale, Distribution or Administration of Unattenuated Hog Cholera Virus
§19-9-13. Quarantine of Premises or Animals; General and Special Quarantine Defined
§19-9-14. Establishment of Special Quarantine
§19-9-15. Establishment of General Quarantine
§19-9-16. Unlawful to Remove, Deface or Destroy Quarantine Notice
§19-9-17. Care of Quarantined Animals; Expense
§19-9-18. Removal of Animals, etc., From Quarantined Area; Running at Large of Dogs in Such Area
§19-9-19. Domestic Animal Within Quarantined Area Running at Large
§19-9-20. Bringing Animals Into State; Health Certificate
§19-9-21. Animals Entering State Without Health Certificate
§19-9-22. Unlawful Possession of Animal Brought Into State
§19-9-23. Regulation of Imported Dairy or Breeding Animals
§19-9-24. Importation of Dairy or Breeding Animal Unaccompanied by Health Certificate and Test Chart
§19-9-25. Commissioner May Decline to Accept Health Certificate or Test Chart
§19-9-26. Animals Brought Into State for Slaughter or for Exhibition Purposes
§19-9-27. Unlawful Sale of Animals for Breeding or Dairy Purposes
§19-9-28. Indemnity for Euthanizing Infected or Exposed Animals; Agreement
§19-9-29. When Right of Indemnity Does Not Exist
§19-9-30. Appraisal of Infected or Exposed Animals; Amount; Arbitration; Fees of Arbitrators
§19-9-31. Certificate of Appraisal
§19-9-32. Euthanasia of Diseased Animals; Supervision; Certificate of Euthanasia
§19-9-33. Payment of Indemnity
§19-9-34. Disposal of Carcass of Diseased Animal
§19-9-34a. Authority of Commissioner to Promulgate Rules Regulating Disposal of Dead Animals
§19-9-35. Tests for Bovine Tuberculosis; Disposition of Infected Bovine Animals
§19-9-36. Rules for Determining Amount of Indemnity
§19-9-37. Payment of Indemnity for Animals Slaughtered as Tuberculous
§19-9-38. Transportation of Diseased Animals
§19-9-39. Selling or Giving Away Diseased Animal; Permitting It to Stray