A cooperative association may be organized to engage in one or more qualified activities in connection with the marketing or selling of agricultural products or the goods and services of its members or those purchased from other persons; or in connection with the manufacturing, selling or supplying to its members of machinery, equipment or supplies; or in securing and disseminating market information; or in the financing directly, through agricultural credit associations, and/or otherwise, the above-enumerated activities; or in any one or more of the activities specified herein. An agricultural credit association may be organized hereunder to finance qualified persons or to finance any cooperative association, or both, whether formed under the laws of this or any other state.
Structure West Virginia Code
Article 4. Cooperative Associations
§19-4-6. Articles of Incorporation
§19-4-7. Amendments to Articles of Incorporation
§19-4-9. General and Special Meetings
§19-4-12. Officers, Employees and Agents to Be Bonded
§19-4-13. Stock; Membership Certificate; Voting; Liability; Limitations on Transfer and Ownership
§19-4-14. Removal of Officer or Director
§19-4-17. Remedies for Breach of Contract
§19-4-18. Purchasing Property of Other Associations, Persons, Firms or Corporations
§19-4-20. Conflicting Laws Not to Apply; Exemptions
§19-4-21. Use of Term "cooperative."
§19-4-22. Interest in Other Corporations or Associations; Warehouse Receipts as Collateral
§19-4-23. Contracts and Agreements With Other Associations
§19-4-24. Rights and Remedies Apply to Similar Associations of Other States
§19-4-25. Associations Heretofore Organized May Adopt Provisions of Article
§19-4-27. Liability as to Delivery of Products in Violation of Marketing Agreements
§19-4-28. Associations to Be Deemed Not in Restraint of Trade
§19-4-29. Application of Business Corporation Laws; Nonprofit Corporation Laws