West Virginia Code
Article 2H. Captive Cervid Farming Act
§19-2H-6. License Certificate; Renewal; Sale or Transfer of License

(a) Once approved, the department shall issue a license certificate to the owner of a captive cervid farming facility containing the following information:
(1) The class of license, the license number and expiration date;
(2) The captive cervid species and number of captive cervids approved for the licensed facility; and
(3) The name, business address and telephone number of the owner and of the captive cervid farming facility.
(b) An application for renewal of a license shall be submitted on forms provided by the department sixty days prior to the expiration of the current license. Each license issued shall be for a period of one year from the date of issuance.
(c) The sale or transfer of ownership of a captive cervid farming facility will not operate to transfer the license. The department may issue a new license to the transferee if all license requirements and fees are satisfied.