Notwithstanding the provisions of §19-1B-5 of this code, whenever the director determines that any person has violated a provision of this article or any rules promulgated pursuant thereto, he or she may enter an order directing the person to cease the violation and, where appropriate, to take such action to remediate damage created or to take action appropriate for the specific site.
Any person having an interest which is or may be adversely affected by any order of the director may file an appeal in accordance with the provisions of §19-1B-11 of this code. Any person or entity aggrieved by an order issued under the provisions of §19-1B-5(b) or §19-1B-5(c) of this code may file an appeal under the provisions of §19-1B-11 of this code.
Any persons or entity aggrieved by a suspension or revocation order issued under the provisions of §19-1B-5(e) or §19-1B-5(f) of this code may file an appeal in accordance with the provisions of §29A-5-1 et seq. and §29A-6-1 et seq. of this code.
Structure West Virginia Code
Article 1B. Sediment Control During Commercial Timber Harvesting Operations
§19-1B-2. Legislative Findings, Intent and Purpose of Article
§19-1B-4. Timbering License Required; Requirement for License; Exemption; Annual Fee; Rules
§19-1B-5. Compliance Orders; Suspension of Timbering Operation License
§19-1B-8. Timbering Operations Enforcement Fund
§19-1B-10. Orders of the Director
§19-1B-11. Creation of Conference Panels; Authority
§19-1B-12a. Criminal and Civil Penalties