(a) The commissioner may propose rules for legislative approval in accordance with the provisions of article three, chapter twenty-nine-a of this code: (1) To effectively eradicate, suppress or control honey bee pests as far as may be practical; (2) to regulate the keeping and maintaining of bees, bee equipment, queen breeding equipment, apiaries and appliances; (3) to regulate treatments, retreatments, and fees for the services; and (4) any other rules necessary to effectuate the enforcement of this article.
(b) The commissioner is authorized to conduct apiary education in a manner which advances and promotes bee culture in West Virginia.
(c) The commissioner is authorized to cooperate with the federal government and its agencies, departments and instrumentalities; other West Virginia agencies, departments, divisions, or political subdivisions; and any other state or commonwealth and its agencies, departments or political subdivisions, in order to carry out the effective administration of this article.
(d) The commissioner is authorized to stop the delivery of, to seize, to destroy, to treat or to order returned to point of origin, at the owner's expense, all appliances, bees, bee equipment, bee products or hives transported into or within this state, found to be infected with honey bee pests regardless of whether a valid certificate of inspection is attached.
Structure West Virginia Code
Article 13. Inspection and Protection of Agriculture
§19-13-4. Registration of Bees; Identification of Apiaries; Limitation on Liability
§19-13-5. Right of Entry; Apiary Inspections; Quarantines
§19-13-6. Abandoned Apiaries and Equipment; Notice
§19-13-9. Candy for Mailing Cages