Any person growing or possessing any plants or plant products or any other substance, material or thing may apply to the commissioner for a special inspection for the purpose of determining the presence of plant pests or noxious weeds which might prevent the movement or use of same. The expenses incurred in making the inspection shall be paid by the person making such request. The commissioner may comply with such request and shall issue to the person requesting an inspection a certificate stating the results of the inspection.
Structure West Virginia Code
Article 12. Insect Pests, Plant Diseases and Noxious Weeds
§19-12-3. Commissioner to Enforce Article; Powers and Duties Generally
§19-12-4. Detection and Abundance Surveys; Findings of Commissioner; Eradication and Suppression
§19-12-6. Quarantines and Other Orders; Plants or Plant Products Entering State
§19-12-7. Infected or Infested Nursery Stock, Articles or Materials Subject to Seizure, etc.
§19-12-8. Right of Entry on Premises
§19-12-11. Nursery Stock Brought Into State to Carry Inspection Certificate
§19-12-12. Disposition of Fees Collected
§19-12-14. Permit Required to Sell, Transport, etc., Plant Pests or Noxious Weeds
§19-12-15. Information to Be Furnished and Inspection Allowed Upon Request of Commissioner
§19-12-16. Criminal Penalties; Civil Penalties; Duties of the Prosecuting Attorney