West Virginia Code
Article 11E. Milk and Milk Products
§19-11E-9. Prohibited Acts

No person may:
(1) Have in his or her possession with the intent to sell, transport, or manufacture any milk which is adulterated within the meaning of this article;
(2) Interfere with or prohibit the commissioner from performing the duties of his or her office;
(3) Fail to comply with the provisions of an embargo order issued under this article;
(4) Fail to comply with the provisions of a revocation, suspension, or denial order issued under this article;
(5) While operating in any official capacity, obtain any information under the provisions of this article that would be considered trade secrets regarding the quality, source, and disposition of milk, and use this information for his or her own personal gain;
(6) Sell milk or milk products, where required, without a valid permit as required by the provisions of this article;
(7) Conduct inspections of milk production facilities for the purpose of certifying compliance with this article without a valid inspector license, and perform those duties in a dishonest or incompetent manner, or falsify the records thereof;
(8) Sell, offer for sale, or expose for sale any milk that is from a herd that does not meet the requirements for animal health as set by rule under this article;
(9) Represent an imitation dairy product to be a milk product;
(10) Conduct a test to determine the identity, quality, purity, grade, or quantity of a dairy product in a manner that is not in accordance with the Pasteurized Milk Ordinance; or
(11) Alter or destroy the results of a test conducted to determine the identity, quality, purity, grade, or quantity of a dairy product.