West Virginia Code
Article 11A. Dairy Products and Imitation Dairy Products Law
§19-11A-7. Prohibited Acts

(a) No person may distribute, sell, offer for sale, hold for sale or have in his possession with the intent to sell any dairy product or imitation dairy product which is adulterated or misbranded within the meaning of this article.
(b) No person may interfere with or prohibit the commissioner from performing the duties of his office.
(c) No person may fail to comply with the provisions of an embargo order issued under this article.
(d) No person may fail to comply with the provisions of a revocation, suspension or denial order issued under this article.
(e) No person who, in any official capacity, obtains any information under the provisions of this article that would be considered trade secrets regarding the quality, source and disposition of dairy products or imitation dairy products may use this information to his or her own personal gain.
(f) No person may bring into, send into or receive into this state, distribute within this state or have in storage dairy products without a valid dairy products distributors permit, except that retailers are exempt from this requirement.
(g) No person may distribute, sell, offer for sale, hold for sale or have in their possession with intent to sell, a dairy product or imitation dairy product in a container if the whole or any part of the item(s) required by this article to be on the label have been altered, mutilated, destroyed, obliterated, removed, concealed, replaced or otherwise falsely represented.
(h) No person may alter or deface any part of the items required by this article to be on the label after packaging.
(i) No person may offer for sale, transport, or distribution dairy products or imitation dairy products subsequent to packaging that have been allowed to exceed a temperature of forty-five degrees Fahrenheit for refrigerated noncultured products or zero degrees Fahrenheit for frozen products, except that dairy products or imitation dairy products containing active cultures shall not be allowed to exceed a temperature of fifty degrees Fahrenheit; and cheeses or imitations of cheeses shall not be allowed to reach temperatures that will allow for spoilage or mold organisms, other than those mold organisms that may be in the product as a result of the process used to make the product, to grow on or in the product. Dairy products or imitation dairy products that have been aseptically processed and hermetically sealed and dry dairy products or dry imitation dairy products are exempted from the requirements of this subsection.
(j) No person may transport dairy products or imitation dairy products in a vehicle that has previously been used to haul a chemical or foreign substance unless such vehicle has been cleaned according to rules promulgated by the commissioner.
(k) No person may sell or reprocess for human consumption dairy products or imitation dairy products that are in, or have been in, broken or opened retail packages that have been out of the possession of the manufacturer. Nothing in this provision prohibits the return of these containers to the distributor for inspection purposes only.
(l) No person may distribute or use for human consumption products manufactured from packaged dairy products or imitation dairy products that have been out of the possession of the manufacturer.
(m) No person may distribute or use dairy products or imitation dairy products that have been repasteurized subsequent to transportation in bulk, except for products that have been handled in a sanitary manner and maintained at forty-five degrees Fahrenheit or less prior to repasteurization.
(n) No person may sell, offer for sale or expose for sale any product containing milk products or milk-derived products that are from a herd that does not meet the requirements for animal health as set by rules promulgated under this article.
(o) No person may sell or exchange or have in his possession with intent to sell or exchange in this state any milk powder originating from any country or area outside the United States with reported cases of rinderpest, African swine fever or foot and mouth disease unless that product is imported into this state under conditions set by rules promulgated under this article.