The commissioner may refuse to grant or may suspend or revoke a livestock dealer's license when it is determined from the evidence that there is reasonable cause to believe that any of the following situations exists:
(a) Where the applicant or licensee has violated the laws of the state or official regulations governing the interstate or intrastate movement, shipment or transportation of livestock.
(b) Where there have been false or misleading statements as to the health or physical condition of the animals with regard to the official tests or quality of the animals, or the practice of fraud or misrepresentation in connection therewith; in the buying or receiving of animals; or in the receiving, selling, exchanging, soliciting or negotiation of the sale, resale, exchange, weighing or shipment of animals.
(c) Where the applicant or licensee acts as a dealer for a person attempting to conduct business in violation of this article, after the notice of such violation has been given the licensee by the commissioner.
(d) Where the applicant or licensee fails to practice measures of sanitation, disinfection and inspection of premises or vehicles used for the yarding, holding or transportation of livestock.
(e) Where there has been a failure to keep records required by the commissioner, or where there is a refusal on the part of the applicant or licensee to produce records of transactions in the carrying on of the business for which such license is granted.
(f) Where the licensee fails to maintain a bond or to adjust a bond upon thirty days notice, or refuses or neglects to pay the fees or inspection charges required to be paid.
(g) Where the licensee has been suspended by order of the secretary of agriculture of the United States Department of Agriculture under provisions of The United States Department of Agriculture Packers and Stockyards Act of 1921, 42 Stat 159.7 USCA, 181 as amended.
Structure West Virginia Code
Article 10B. Livestock Dealer's Licensing Act
§19-10B-3. License Required; Fee
§19-10B-4. Applicant to Furnish Bond
§19-10B-5. Records of Transactions; Inspection by Commissioner
§19-10B-6. Investigation of Complaints; Board of Review; Orders of the Commissioner; Hearing; Review
§19-10B-7. Refusals, Suspensions or Revocation of Licenses
§19-10B-8. Fees Paid Into Special Fund in State Treasury
§19-10B-9. Commissioner to Enforce Article; Rules and Regulations