West Virginia Code
Article 1. Governance
§18B-1-4. Prior Transfer of Powers, etc., to Board of Regents; Board of Regents Abolished

(a) All the powers, duties and authorities which the board of Governors of West Virginia University, previously established by article eleven of chapter eighteen of the code or by any other provisions of law, may have had immediately prior to July 1, 1969, shall be the powers, duties and authorities of the West Virginia board of regents until July 1, 1989. Until such date, all of the policies and affairs of West Virginia University shall be determined, controlled, supervised and managed by the West Virginia board of regents, who shall exercise and perform all such powers, duties and authorities.
All powers, duties and authorities which the West Virginia Board of Education may have had with respect to state colleges and universities immediately prior to July 1, 1969, shall be the powers, duties and authorities of the West Virginia board of regents until July 1, 1989 Until such date, all of the policies and affairs of the state colleges and universities shall be determined, controlled, supervised and managed by the West Virginia board of regents, who shall exercise and perform all such powers, duties and authorities: Provided, That the standards for education of teachers and teacher preparation programs at the state colleges and universities shall continue to be under the general direction and control of the West Virginia Board of Education, and the West Virginia Board of Education shall have sole authority to continue, as authorized by section six, article two, chapter eighteen of this code, to enter into agreements with county boards of education for the use of the public schools to give prospective teachers teaching experience.
All powers, duties and authorities vested in the state commission on higher education by previous provisions of chapter eighteen of this code or by any other provisions of law shall be the powers, duties and authorities of the West Virginia board of regents until July 1, 1989. Until such date, all of the powers, duties, and authorities of the state commission on higher education shall be exercised and performed by the West Virginia board of regents.
(b) The board of regents shall be abolished on July 1, 1989.