West Virginia Code
Article 15. Equipment
§17C-15-49a. Admissibility of Use or Nonuse of Safety Belts in Civil Actions

The admissibility of evidence of the failure of an occupant of a passenger vehicle to use a safety belt in any civil action is governed by the following rules:
(a) Definitions. For the purposes of this section:
(1) "Adult" means a person who is 18 years of age or older;
(2) "Child" means a person who is under 18 years of age;
(3) "Claimant" means any person asserting a claim;
(4) "Driver" means a person, whether an adult or child, who is operating the passenger vehicle on a public street or highway of this state;
(5) "Passenger" means a person in the passenger vehicle other than the driver of the passenger vehicle while it is being operated on a public street or highway of this state; and
(6) "Passenger vehicle" means a passenger vehicle as defined in 17C-15-49(a) of this code.
(b) Admissibility as evidence of negligence.
(1) Claimant as driver.
(A) When a person making a claim for damages in a civil action was the driver of a passenger vehicle involved in the collision from which the damages suffered by the claimant driver are alleged to have arisen, evidence that the claimant driver of the passenger vehicle was not wearing a safety belt at the time of the collision is not admissible to show his or her negligence.
(B) The prohibition on the admissibility of evidence provided by this paragraph does not apply in an action against the manufacturer or seller of the passenger vehicle being driven by the claimant driver and/or a manufacturer or seller of any component or system incorporated into the passenger vehicle.
(2) Claimant as adult passenger.
(A) When a person making a claim for damages in a civil action was an adult passenger in a passenger vehicle involved in the collision from which the damages suffered by that claimant adult passenger are alleged to have arisen, evidence that the claimant adult passenger was not wearing a safety belt at the time of the collision is not admissible to show his or her negligence.
(B) The prohibition on the admissibility of evidence provided by this paragraph does not apply in an action against the manufacturer or seller of the passenger vehicle in which the claimant adult passenger was a passenger and/or a manufacturer or seller of any component or system incorporated into the passenger vehicle.
(3) Claimant as child passenger.
When a person making a claim for damages in a civil action was a child passenger, or when the person making a claim for damages in a civil action is making the claim on behalf of a child who was a passenger, in a passenger vehicle involved in the collision from which the damages suffered by that claimant child passenger are alleged to have arisen, evidence that said claimant child passenger was not wearing a safety belt at the time of the collision is not admissible to show any negligence of the claimant child passenger: Provided, That the evidence may be admissible, subject to the West Virginia Rules of Evidence, to show negligence of the driver of the passenger vehicle in which the claimant child was a passenger.
(c) Admissibility as evidence of exacerbation of or contribution to a claimants damages.
(1) Claimant as driver. When a person making a claim for damages in a civil action was the driver of a passenger vehicle involved in the collision from which the damages suffered by the claimant driver are alleged to have arisen, evidence that the claimant driver of the passenger vehicle was not wearing a safety belt at the time of the collision may be admissible to show that his or her failure to wear a safety belt exacerbated or contributed to the claimant drivers damages: Provided, That the defendants burden of proof as set forth in subdivision (d) of this subsection must be supported by expert testimony, subject to a finding by the court that the expert testimony satisfies the threshold requirements of Rule 702 of the West Virginia Rules of Evidence.
(2) Claimant as adult passenger. When a person making a claim for damages in a civil action was an adult passenger in a passenger vehicle involved in the collision from which the damages suffered by that claimant adult passenger are alleged to have arisen, evidence that the claimant adult passenger was not wearing a safety belt at the time of the collision may be admissible to show that his or her failure to wear a safety belt exacerbated or contributed to that claimant adult passengers damages: Provided, That the defendants burden of proof as set forth in subdivision (d) of this subsection must be supported by expert testimony, subject to a finding by the court that the expert testimony satisfies the threshold requirements of Rule 702 of the West Virginia Rules of Evidence.
(3) Claimant as child passenger. When a person making a claim for damages in a civil action was child passenger at the time of the accident, or when the person making a claim for damages in a civil action is making the claim on behalf of a child who was a passenger, in a passenger vehicle involved in the collision from which the damages suffered by that claimant child passenger are alleged to have arisen, evidence that the claimant child passenger was not wearing a safety belt at the time of the collision is not admissible to show that the claimant child passengers failure to wear a safety belt exacerbated or contributed to the claimant child passengers damages.
(4) The admissibility of evidence provided by paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subdivision does not apply if any driver with fault was driving in an "impaired state" as defined by 17C-5-2 of this code, or if the driver is found to have concurrently violated 61-5-17(h), 61-5-17(i), or 61-5-17(j) of this code.
(d) Subject to subdivision (e) of this subsection, a claimants failure to wear a safety belt shall constitute an affirmative defense.
(e) Court to instruct jury. In a civil action for damages in which the court has determined that evidence that a person was not wearing a safety belt at the time of the collision is to be admitted, the court shall instruct the jury as to the purposes for which the jury may consider, and may not consider, the evidence.
(f) Courts discretion as to bifurcation. In the discretion of the court, if the court determines that it is necessary to prevent prejudice or avoid confusion of the jury, the court may, upon request of a party, bifurcate the trial so that the questions of liability are tried first and the question of damages is presented separately thereafter. If the court, in its discretion, grants bifurcation, the court should consider whether it is possible to bifurcate these issues within a single trial, so that all of the issues to be tried in the case are tried together in a single trial with the same jury, but with the presentation of the evidence on the separate issues and the deliberations of the same jury ordered in such a way so as to achieve separation of the issues within a single trial.
(g) Immunities not abrogated. It is the intent of the Legislature that the amendments made during the regular session of the Legislature, 2021, to this section and 17C-15-49 of this code do not abrogate or modify any immunities recognized by the law.
(h) Effective date. This section and the amendments made during the regular session of the Legislature, 2021, to 17C-15-49 of this code applies to collisions occurring on or after the effective date of those amendments and this section.
(i) This section does not abrogate or alter the provisions of 17C-15-46 of this code relating to the mandatory use of child passenger safety devices.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 17C. Traffic Regulations and Laws of the Road

Article 15. Equipment

§17C-15-1. Unsafe and Improperly Equipped Vehicles; Additional Parts and Accessories; Applicability of Article to Farm and Road Equipment

§17C-15-2. When Lighted Lamps Are Required

§17C-15-3. Visibility Distance and Mounted Height of Lamps

§17C-15-4. Head Lamps on Motor Vehicles

§17C-15-5. Tail Lamps

§17C-15-6. Penalty for Violations of the Provisions of This Article

§17C-15-8. Application of §§ 17c-15-9 to 17c-15-13

§17C-15-9. Additional Lighting and Reflector Equipment Required on Certain Vehicles

§17C-15-10. Color of Clearance Lamps, Side Marker Lamps and Reflectors

§17C-15-11. Mounting of Reflectors, Clearance Lamps and Side Marker Lamps

§17C-15-12. Visibility of Reflectors, Clearance Lamps and Marker Lamps

§17C-15-13. Obstructed Lights Not Required to Be Lighted

§17C-15-14. Lamp or Flag on Projecting Load

§17C-15-15. Lamps on Parked Vehicles

§17C-15-16. Lamps on Animal-Drawn and Other Vehicles and Equipment

§17C-15-17. Spot Lamps and Other Auxiliary Lamps

§17C-15-18. Signal Lamps and Signal Devices

§17C-15-19. Additional Lighting Equipment

§17C-15-20. Multiple-Beam Road-Lighting Equipment -- Requirements Generally

§17C-15-21. Same -- Use Of; Dimming Lights Upon Approaching or Overtaking

§17C-15-22. Single-Beam Road-Lighting Equipment

§17C-15-23. Lighting Equipment on Motorcycles, Motor-Driven Cycles and Mopeds

§17C-15-24. Alternate Road-Lighting Equipment

§17C-15-25. Number of Driving Lamps Required or Permitted

§17C-15-26. Special Restrictions on Lamps

§17C-15-27. Standards for Lights on Snow Removal Equipment

§17C-15-28. Selling and Using Unapproved Lamps or Equipment; Legibility of Name, etc., of Approved Equipment; Use of Improperly Mounted, etc., Equipment

§17C-15-30. Revocation of Certificate of Approval on Lighting Devices

§17C-15-31. Brakes -- Generally

§17C-15-32. Brakes on Motorcycles, Motor-Driven Cycles and Mopeds

§17C-15-33. Horns and Warning Devices

§17C-15-34. Mufflers; Prevention of Noise, Fumes and Smoke

§17C-15-35. Mirrors

§17C-15-36. Windshields Must Be Unobstructed and Equipped With Wipers

§17C-15-36a. Sun-Screening Devices; Penalty

§17C-15-37. Tire Equipment Restrictions; Rules and Regulations as to Certain Tires

§17C-15-39. Flares and Other Warning Devices to Be Carried in Certain Vehicles

§17C-15-40. Display of Warning Devices When Vehicle Is Disabled

§17C-15-41. Vehicles Transporting Explosives

§17C-15-42. Video Screens, Video Monitors and Television Receivers in View of Driver Prohibited; Exceptions

§17C-15-43. Vehicles to Be Equipped With Safety Belts

§17C-15-44. Safety Equipment and Requirements for Motorcyclists, Motorcycles, Motor-Driven Cycles and Mopeds; Motorcycle Safety Standards and Education Committee

§17C-15-45. Certification Labels on Mopeds

§17C-15-46. Child Passenger Safety Devices Required; Child Safety Seats and Booster Seats

§17C-15-47. Commercial Towing Vehicles to Employ Safety Chains

§17C-15-48. Alteration of Motor Vehicles; Bumper Height Limits; Other Modifications; Exceptions; Required Inspection; and Rules of Division of Public Safety

§17C-15-49. Operation of Vehicles With Safety Belts; Exception; Penalty; Educational Program by West Virginia State Police

§17C-15-49a. Admissibility of Use or Nonuse of Safety Belts in Civil Actions

§17C-15-50. Air Bag Fraud; Counterfeit and Nonfunctional Air Bags Prohibited; Penalties; Applicability; Exceptions