West Virginia Code
Article 2B. License to Operate a Motor Vehicle With Bioptic Telescopic Device
§17B-2B-6. Restricted Out-of-State Drivers; Required to Obtain Class G Driver S License; Surrender of Current License; Waiver of Requirement to Participate in an Approved Driver Training Program

(a) A restricted out-of-state driver establishing residence in West Virginia must apply for a Class G drivers license in this state.
(b) To obtain a Class G drivers license, the restricted out-of-state driver must:
(1) Satisfy all the requirements of licensure contained in sections three and four of this article;
(2) Surrender his or her out-of-state drivers license to the commissioner; and
(3) Provide the commissioner with a report of examination by a vision specialist, conducted no more than 90-days prior to the application, showing that the applicant meets the minimum vision standards.
(c) If, based upon an evaluation of the out-of-state drivers abilities, along with any recommendations, the Division of Rehabilitation Services, or its approved driver training program, certifies to the commissioner that the restricted out-of-state driver was required, as a condition of licensure in the other state, to complete training substantially equivalent to the approved driver training program required by this article, the commissioner may waive the requirement that the restricted out-of-state driver complete an approved driver training program in this state prior to licensure.