In determining whether or not to construct or improve any industrial access road and in determining the nature of the road to be constructed, the Division of Highways shall base its decision on the costs of the industrial access road in relation to the volume and nature of the traffic to be generated as a result of developing the industrial site within the total industrial area. In making a decision on any industrial site, the total volume of traffic to be generated shall be considered in regard to the overall cost of the project. The Division of Highways shall consult and work in cooperation with the West Virginia Development Office in determining the use of industrial access road funds.
Prior to a formal request for the use of moneys from the fund to provide access to new or expanding industrial sites, the location of the industrial access road shall be submitted for approval of the Division of Highways. The Division of Highways shall consider the cost of the industrial access road as it relates to the project's location and as it relates to the possibility of future extensions of the road to serve other possible industrial sites as well as the future development of the surrounding area.
Prior to the allocation of moneys from the fund for the construction or maintenance of an industrial access road to an industry proposing to locate or expand in a county or municipality, the governing body of the county or municipality shall, by resolution, request moneys from the fund and shall be responsible for the preliminary negotiations with the industries and other interested parties. The Division of Highways shall be available for consultation with the governing bodies of the counties or municipalities and other interested parties and may prepare surveys, plans, engineering studies and cost estimates for the proposed industrial access road.
Structure West Virginia Code
Chapter 17. Roads and Highways
Article 3A. Industrial Access Road Fund
§17-3A-2. Division of Highways to Determine Construction of Industrial Access Roads
§17-3A-3. Industrial Access Roads to Be Part of State Road System
§17-3A-4. Restrictions on Use of Fund
§17-3A-5. Disbursements From Fund
§17-3A-6. Annual Audit to Be Made of Receipts and Expenditures of Fund