West Virginia Code
Article 33. Breast and Cervical Cancer Prevention and Control Act
§16-33-5. Breast and Cervical Cancer Detection and Education Program Coalition

(a) There is hereby established the breast and cervical cancer detection and education program coalition. The members of the coalition shall be appointed by the director and shall be representative of consumers including persons with breast or cervical cancer, local health departments, health care providers and recognized experts in the provision of health services to women, cancer research or environmental health.
(b) The breast and cervical cancer coalition shall be responsible for advising the director with respect to the implementation of this article and shall make recommendations as to the selection of approved organizations and the standards to be established by the director pursuant to subsection (c), section four of this article. The director shall consult with the coalition on standards for approved organizations, selecting approved organizations, making grants to such organizations and implementing the breast and cervical cancer detection and education program.
(c) The director shall perform an evaluation of the state's system for early detection and treatment of breast and cervical cancer and shall submit to the Legislature and the Governor a report detailing his findings and recommendations concerning the state's response to the high incidence of breast and cervical cancer. Such report shall be submitted no later than December 1,1993, and shall reflect the evaluation of the at-risk population screened for breast and cervical cancer detection for the previous twelve months.
(d) The breast and cervical cancer coalition shall meet at least three times a year to receive information and provide interaction, consultation and advice.
(e) The members of the coalition shall receive no compensation for their services, but shall be allowed their actual and necessary expenses incurred in performance of their duties.