West Virginia Code
Article 2A. West Virginia State Police Retirement System
§15-2A-17. Awards and Benefits to Dependents of Member -- Termination

When any surviving spouse of a member or retirant dies or remarries while receiving or being entitled to receive any benefits under any section except section twelve of this article, the surviving spouse may not from the date of his or her remarriage, nor may the estate from the date of death of the deceased member's or retirant's surviving spouse, be entitled to receive any benefits under this article whatsoever: Provided, That in any case where under the terms of this article benefits are provided for a child or children surviving the death or remarriage of the surviving spouse, payment of benefits to that child or children shall be calculated for payment from the date the surviving spouse dies or remarries.

Structure West Virginia Code

West Virginia Code

Chapter 15. Public Safety

Article 2A. West Virginia State Police Retirement System

§15-2A-1. Short Title

§15-2A-2. Definitions

§15-2A-3. Continuation and Administration of West Virginia State Police Retirement System; Leased Employees; Federal Qualification Requirements

§15-2A-4. Participation in System; Continuation of Fund

§15-2A-4a. Specification of Actuarial Assumptions

§15-2A-5. Employee Contributions; Employer Contributions; Forfeitures

§15-2A-6. Retirement; Commencement of Benefits

§15-2A-6a. Federal Law Maximum Benefit Limitations

§15-2A-6b. Federal Law Minimum Required Distributions

§15-2A-6c. Direct Rollovers

§15-2A-6d. Rollovers and Transfers to Purchase Service Credit or Repay Withdrawn Contributions

§15-2A-7. Annual Annuity Adjustment

§15-2A-8. Refunds to Certain Members Upon Discharge of Resignation; Deferred Retirement

§15-2A-9. Awards and Benefits for Disability -- Incurred in Performance of Duty

§15-2A-10. Same -- Due to Other Causes

§15-2A-11. Same -- Physical Examinations; Termination

§15-2A-11a. Physical Examinations of Prospective Members; Application for Disability Benefit; Determinations

§15-2A-11b. Annual Report on Each Employer's Disability Retirement Experience

§15-2A-12. Awards and Benefits to Dependents of Employees or Retirants - When Employee Dies in Performance of Duty, etc.; Dependent Child Scholarship and Amount

§15-2A-13. Same -- When Member Dies From Nonservice-Connected Causes Before Serving Twenty Years

§15-2A-14. Awards and Benefits to Dependents of Member -- When Member Dies After Retirement or After Serving Twenty Years

§15-2A-15. Exemption From Taxation, Garnishment and Other Process; Exception for Certain Qualified Domestic Relations Orders

§15-2A-16. Fraud; Penalties

§15-2A-17. Awards and Benefits to Dependents of Member -- Termination

§15-2A-18. Authority to Continue Payments to Certain Dependents

§15-2A-19. Credit Toward Retirement for Member's Prior Military Service; Credit Toward Retirement When Member Has Joined Armed Forces in Time of Armed Conflict; Qualified Military Service

§15-2A-20. Benefits Not Forfeited if System Terminates

§15-2A-21. Retirement Credited Service Through Member's Use, as Option, of Accrued Annual or Sick Leave Days

§15-2A-22. Limitations on Benefit Increases

§15-2A-23. Correction of Errors; Underpayments; Overpayments